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There have only been a few through the past twenty years, at least a few that have been recorded. There are echoes of them throughout history, though, figures with powers that others didn't quite understand, powers that they were born with. 

One scientist calls it the X gene. They say that it is rare beyond belief and has only been recorded a handful of times. Once activated, it is said to give its owner mutated powers, to make them mutated. That's why they've taken to calling them mutants.

Mutant, I've decided, is an ugly word.

Its very definition implies an individual that does not fit in, someone who has some sort of wrong and freakish nature that establishes them as an outlier to society. If I have control over the matter, I don't want DJ to ever be called that awful name. 

"Okay, I've managed to calm the girl's family down from pressing charges," Natasha announces with a heavy sigh, her eyes trailing over in the general direction of DJ's room, "They still want to sue, but when I offered them money they claimed they didn't want it. If we promise to move schools, they'll agree to let it go"

My brows furrow and I lift my burdened gaze to Nat. Confusion rips through me. I know she's a good negotiator, but that family just lost their child. How could they just let it go?

"That's it?" I push, looking between Natasha and Steve, "They're just going to let it go?" 

At this, Natasha seems to hesitate, almost as if there's something she needs to say but is fearful to. After warring with herself after a moment, she must decide to let it out because she moves to talk again.

"Dawn, they're scared of her, of what they think she is. They want nothing to do with this anymore" 

Her words slam into me more than I expected them too, even though I was anticipating this. That sweet, kind girl is a source of terror for anyone who was at that school. Everyone involved agreed to bury the event, and I just thought it was because no one wanted to remember it. Now, I know that it was because everyone, even those cops, are afraid of DJ. 

When someone is afraid of you, when someone calls you a monster or a freak enough, you become what they fear. That is the last thing that I want for DJ.

There's one person who could sympathize with her,  one person who would truly be able to understand her and help her work through this predicament. He alone would be able to convince DJ that her newfound and grim abilities do not define her, she defines herself. 

But he turned to dust, and now Bucky is needed not just by me, but by my niece as well. 

I'll have to step into the gap, but I don't even know if I can. I have to do my best, though. I have to research this X gene mutation while I still research for ways to fix the infinity stone situation. 

I've begun to wish for a normal life again for the first time in years. 

My train of thought is throttled by the sounds of faint crying from the general direction of DJ's room on the second floor of the Avenger's Compound. I share a knowing, concerned look with Steve and Natasha before venturing slowly up the stairs and towards her room. When my trembling body comes to a stop at her door, my hand hesitates over her doorknob. 

I am not afraid of her. She'd never hurt me. DJ is more than these abilities.

I grab the knob and open the door. The moment I enter through the doorway, DJ's crying hiccups to a stop and her head snaps up from her pillow. Pure panic roars through her features as she skitters back until her body slams into the bed frame. She seems to almost cower against it, her chest heaving with breath as she shakes her head over and over and over.

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