Chapter 1

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Lauren's POV
I sat there looking into my mirror at my reflection. I glanced at a picture of me when I was younger that was placed on my dresser. I had long, wavy, brown hair, and i'm was wearing my softball uniform. It was the day of my first game, and I was so happy that my mom and dad came, we were such a happy family, but I to screw everthing up. I turned off the light, and got into my bed. I closed my eyes trying to forget the truth. Tears began to fall and soak into my pillow, and the tighter I squeezed my eyes shut, the more tears fell.

"Lauren..." Someone whispered. I opened my eyes, and I was in my bed. I looked around, and no one was there. I slowly got out of my bed, and walked towards the door. "Lauren..." I heard from behind me, I turned around. I saw a gorgeous girl sitting in my bed with the covers pulled up all the way to her collarbone. She was dark skinned with long wavy hair, and she had beautiful eyes and lips.

"Lauren" she said.

"Umm... who are you?" I asked.

"I'm Normani" she said.

"Why are you here?" I asked, trying to not be rude.

"I'm here for you" she said.

" Ok....Are.. you..ummm... naked?" I asked nervously.

"Mmhhm" she hummed.

"Do you want some clothes?" I asked.

"Uh..yeah" she said.

I walked over to my dresser and took out some of my clothes. I turned around and walked over to my bed. "Uhhh... Here you go" I said whilst holding out the clothing. She smiled and took the clothes out of my hand.

"Do you mind-", I interrupted her.

"OH SORRY! I'll leave" I said nervously.

"No, do you mind helping me?" She asked.

"Oh um.... Yeah" I said.

I grabbed the shirt out of her hand. "You.. kinda.. have to remove the cover" I said awkwardly, she did as I said. My eyes quickly averted to the wall, and she started giggling. "Lauren you can look if you want, I don't mind" she said. I slowly averted my eyes to her face, "come on Lauren, I know you wanna look" she laughed. I caved and my eyes started roaming her body, "see now your getting more comfortable with me". Then she stood up, and I helped her put on the clothes.

"So.... who are you again?" I asked.

"I'm Normani" she said.

"Oh, well that's a beautiful name" I said.

"Thank you, and sorry about being naked in your bed" she apologized.

"It's fine, but why were you naked?" I asked.

"I honestly don't know" she laughed. Then she started moving closer to me. "Lauren why don't you love yourself?" she asked.

"What's there to love? I'm nothing but a-" I was interrupted by her pulling me into a hug. At first I didn't want to be hugged, but her sweet aroma intrigued me. "You smell really good" I whispered.

"Thanks, you smell good too" she said, then we separated from the hug.

*BEEP! *BEEP! *BEEP!. "What's that sound?" I asked, "you're waking up Lauren. Bye" she said. "No I don't wanna wake up, I hate the real world" I said, she leaned over and kissed my cheek. "You'll be fine" she said, then everything started to fade away.

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