Chapter 13

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I ran to the station as fast as I could. When I got there, I asked the lady at the front desk if she had gone back already. She told me yes, and escorted me to the room she was in.

"I don't understand! How can you have no identity!" He yelled at Normani. "You better not be one of those illegal immigrants!"

"Hey! Don't yell at her! Let's go Mani" I said standing her up.

"Your jackass ain't stepping foot out that door"

"Watch me, and lay off the fucking crispy creams" I spat.

She and I left the fat bastard in his office. We walked out of the station, and I called Dinah for a ride. While we waited, Normani was super quiet. "Lauren? Is the rehab thing true?" She asked unexpectedly. "Uhh...yeah. I got caught up in a lot of shit a while back. Drugs, don't do them. They ruin your life. Thankfully I'm all better" I answered as the wind picked up. "I...I'm sorry. I've never seen you yell like that" she said. "Well, you've only just met me. But just know that none of that anger will ever be directed at you" I said. She nodded just as Dinah arrived.

"Hop in, we don't have all day" she said.  We both got in her car. "What the hell happened?" She asked. "My mom happened. She called the cops on Mani, wanting her out of the house" I said. "Damn, that's harsh" Dinah replied.

The rest of the ride was silent. We said thanks for the ride and went inside. "Mani go into my room, I'll bring you up some food" I told her. She did as I said. I walked into the kitchen, seeing my mom again.

"Lauren, do you really feel like I don't love you?" She asked.

I walked to the refrigerator. My brother and sister's pictures were on there, none of mine were. "Mom, where's my pictures?" I asked.


"Exactly, I didn't want to turn out like this. You caused this" I said fighting back tears.

"I didn't cause you to be gay" she said.

"Why is my sexuality important? I'm your daughter. You used to tell me you loved me, but when Tay and Chris were born, you kicked me to the curb. To you all I am is your gay mistake" I said.

"Lauren that's not true" she argued.

"Just leave me alone. I'm done with your excuses" I said pulling out hummus from the fridge.

I got the crackers out of the cabinet. I went upstairs to my room, seeing my siblings talking to Normani. "So can I create humans with my mind?" Taylor asked. "I don't know. Maybe you can" she replied. "Look the wonderful Laurenza brought snacks" Chris said. "No, they're for Normani" I said. "Sharing is caring" Normani said.

She, Taylor, Chris, and I all shared the snacks while just talking. "Lauren don't listen to anything mom said, she's just losing it" Chris said. "I never have" I laughed. "Yeah, and sorry for the whole 'crackhead' thing" Taylor apologized. "It's whatever, I'm just tired of being left behind. This was literally the fourth family trip that I didn't go on" I complained. "Lauren, sometimes you gotta use force to get what you want. Mom needs to see what she's doing is wrong" Chris said.

He spent the rest of the time being what he called logical. When they headed off to bed, I threw away our snack. Normani changed into some pajamas. That got me thinking.

"Hey, I've been meaning to ask. Where are you getting all of these clothes from?" I asked.

"My bag, it has what I need at that time" she said.

"Cool, c'mere. You seem stressed" I said. 

She sat in front of me. "I'm just worried about that police. What if he comes back?" She asked. "You shouldn't be worried about that, and I'm not afraid to get arrested. It's happened many times" I said. I stroked her hands with my thumbs. I pulled them close to my mouth, gently kissing them. "Let's get some sleep, I got school tomorrow" I said shifting under the covers. "Okay, night Lauren" she sighed. "Night" I answered.

The next morning was rough. Normani didn't want me to leave, so she cried non stop. I calmed her down, then left. I'm sure she's just afraid of my mom. If my mom even looks at her wrong, we'll have a problem.

I already miss Lauren. I'm scared to leave her room because her mom might kick me out. When I became brave enough, I slowly walked downstairs. She was cleaning up the kitchen.

"Do you need some help?" I asked startling her.

"Uh, no but thank you" she said. "How about you do something else for me," she suggested.


"Since Lauren and you are so close, could you get her to forgive me?" She asked.

"I'm afraid that's out of my hands. You have start acting like a mother should. Show Lauren that she actually exists to you, and stop using the rehab as a threat. It clearly was a hard process she went through, yet you choose the throw it around like some toy" I said.

"You're right" she said.

"Also, you shouldn't care about her sexuality. If you really loved her, you'd accept her no matter what"

"How do I fix this?" She asked.

"I say you sit her down and apologize sincerely" I suggested.

"Thank you" she said.

"No problem" I said turning around to go back upstairs.

"Wait! How about you and I make dinner?" She suggested.

I smiled. "I'd love to."

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