Chapter 3

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Lauren's POV
While on my way to school I tried to evaluate this situation. I am still confused at how she's real, but it's awesome. I drove as carefully as I could, but I was anxious to get to school and go home.

I pulled into the parking lot of my school. I pulled into my usual spot, and I was about to step our of my car, but my phone started buzzing nonstop. I slipped my phone out of my pocket. They where all texts from Normani.

N- Lauren are you okay?

N- I just wanna make sure

N- I'll stop texting you

N- but I just wanna make sure

L- I'm fine, but what r u doing?

N- oh I'm in your backyard, and I miss you.

L- I'll be home soon, and what r u doing in my backyard. I told you to stay inside.

N- taking selfies

L you're just like Dinah

N- who's Dinah

L- no one, just go back inside.

N- oh, okay bye 😕😕

L- bye

I put my phone back into my pocket, then I got out of my car. I walked inside of my school, and straight to my locker. As I opened my locker, I heard someone talking really loud as the walked past me. I looked out of the corner of my eye to see that it was Lissa, my crush. I've had a crush on her since ninth grade, but I never told her. I'm afraid of rejection.

"Could you quit drooling over Lissa, and pay attention" someone said, snapping their fingers in my face.

"Oh umm..... I wasn't" I protested.

"Oh please.. if she even looked at you you'd die"

"Shut up Dinah, you're always-"




"Dang girl who's that interested in talking to you?" Dinah joked.


"Oh well he's probably trying to contact me, I've been too busy fingering Lissa"

"Dinah!" I shouted






I took my phone out of my pocket. It was Normani again.

N- lo are you mad at me for being outside

N- if you are I'm sorry

N- lo

N- Lauren

N- are you ignoring me

N- please talk to me

N- I'm sorry for not listening to u😣😣

N- Lauren?

L- I'm not mad at all, I just want you to be safe ☺️☺️

N- really? I'm glad ur not mad

L- I gotta go, see ya later 😘


"Who's Norma-NEE" Dinah asked.

"It's Normani, and that's none of your business" I said as we began walking to our class.

"Lo you ain't gotta sass me like that" Dinah said.

"Yes I do"

"Your such a jerk" Dinah said pretending to be hurt by me sassing her.

"Shut up" I said as we walked into our classroom.

I sat in my seat which is right behind Lissa! Dinah is always teasing me during class and it's annoying. "Class today we'll be working with a partner on a ten page essay" our stupid teacher said, "choose your own partners." I got up to go sit next to Dinah, but Lissa grabbed my arm. My heart started racing.

"Lauren... why don't you ever wanna work with me" she asked.

"It's..... not that I don't want to- because I would love to........ I-I-I-I" I stammered.

"Please work with me...." she begged.

"Ok....uhhhhhhhhhhhh", my mind went blank.

"Sit down Lauren" she said.

I nervously sat in the desk next to her, then she scooted her desk closer to mine. "So..... we should probably-" I was interrupted by Lissa planting a soft, but pleasant kiss on my lips. When she pulled away she said, "Lauren I knew this whole time that you've liked me, I've liked you too. I was just too afraid to tell you. Honestly I was afraid of my friends would think, but their opinions don't matter. I like you and I'm proud of it." I was at a loss for words, and she knew because she was smiling. "Lissa I...-" she interrupted me again, "you don't have to explain now, let's talk tonight over dinner?" She suggested. I smiled "that'd be great" I said confirming the "date".

After thirty minutes of laughing and "working", the bell rang signaling the end of class. I quickly packed my things and scurried out the door. I raced to my next class, but I wasn't the first one there. Ally and Camila, my other best friend were already in class. I sat down behind Ally.

"Hey Lauren" Ally said.

"Hi Ally" I beamed.

"Woah, what happened to you perky pants?" Camila asked.

"Well-" I started, but I was interrupted by Dinah slamming her body into the seat next to me.

"Damn Dinah!" Camila shouted.

"As I was saying before I was interrupted, the reason why I'm happy is-"

"She gets to work with Lissa for an essay" Dinah teased.

"Ohhhhhhhhhh" Ally and Camila teased.

"Yes and no. She kinda kissed me and we have a date tonight" I said swiftly.


"You probably kissed her and ran out the class before she could say anything" Ally joked.

"Shut up Ally, don't get me started on the time I caught you and Troy m-" she covered my mouth before I could finish.

"Lauren you promised you wouldn't tell" she said with a dark shade of red creeping onto her cheeks.

"Tell what?" Camila asked.

"Oh, I caught her and Troy-"

"Lauren!" Ally shouted.

"I won't tell" I said putting my hand up in defense.

By then most of our class was in the classroom. We did Spanish worksheets until the end of class. The rest of the school day went by smoothly. When school was over I quickly rushed home to get ready for my date.

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