Chapter 19

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The next day, I woke her up for school. She was extremely excited, rushing to get dressed. We happily went to school, glad to be together more often. I walked her to her first class, kissing her goodbye. I stopped to use the bathroom before class. Mavis was crying at the sink. "Mavis? Are you okay?" I asked. She looked at me, eyes bloodshot red.  "Yes, I'm fine" she said, wiping her eyes with her hoodie sleeve. I walked close to her, touching her shoulder comfortingly. "Mavis, you're not fine. I'm here, you can tell me" I said. She sighed, more tears forming. "It's the reason I moved here...Lauren I have cancer, it's getting worse each day. I'm gonna die" she said while tears slid down her face. I was at a loss for words, my heart sinking at the terrible news. I hugged her tight, showing I really cared. Although we only met yesterday, I felt like I'd known her for a long while. It made me angry that Lissa had said that rude shit to her, not even knowing what she was going through.

Mavis pulled off her hood showing me her half shaved head. No matter what she was still beautiful. "Wanna skip for a little bit?" I asked. "I can't I got yelled at for that yesterday. They called my parents" she said. We walked to class, and I put her hood back on for her. I hugged her tight, sad that she'd have to go through that. She smiled, feeling grateful that someone cared.

In class I sat behind Dinah. Lissa kept glancing at me with the saddest look on her face. I wasn't sorry for her, she cheated and broke up with me so she deserves it. She texted me saying she wanted to talk after class. I ignored it, wanting nothing to do with her. After class I packed up slowly feeling lazy. Lissa stood outside the classroom waiting for me. I tried to walk past her and she stopped me. "What Lissa?" I said. "Lauren I'm sorry for cheating, I'm not asking you to take me back. I need your advice" she said. "On what?" I asked. She looked away embarrassed. "I think I have an STD, I can tell. Ever since I had that stupid threesome I feel uncomfortable in my body, it feels different" she said. "Lissa, go see a fucking Doctor" I said, slapping her in the back of the head. She started crying and hugged me. "I'm scared to, Lauren will you go with me?" She asked, crying into my shirt. "No, what you need to do is tell your parents so they can take you. I want absolutely nothing to do with you" I said, pushing her off and leaving.

On my way to second period Normani found me. We had the same class and she was ecstatic. "How was class?" I asked. "Kinda boring, I don't really understand much" she admitted. "I'll help with the stuff you don't understand" I said, and she smiled. "What happened to Mavis?" She asked. I stopped, confused. "How do you know who that is?" I asked. "Lauren, I'm from your head. I know everything you know and see everything you see" she said. "Oh really? Then what am I thinking about?" I asked. "Lissa. She doesn't have an STD it's just a yeast infection" she said, getting jealous. "I-I was not thinking about her" I argued. She rolled her eyes. "Cut the shit, you still like her, don't you?" She asked. "No, I don't. I love you Mani" I said, kissing her. We continued walking to class, I was having mixed feelings today. My head racing with thoughts. Would Mavis be okay? How is it possible that Normani can do that? It was just all unbelievable.

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