Chapter 27

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It was lunch time and we all were sitting at the table, except Lissa. I looked around the cafeteria for her, spotting her at the table with her boyfriend. I turned my attention back to my table, getting a text from Lissa. It read I think the baby is coming!. Freaked out I sped walked over to her. She was breathing out of control and her dumbass boyfriend just asked her if she was okay instead of helping her. She'd started crying from the pain grabbing a lot of attention.

Staff got involved, calling the ambulance for us. Her boyfriend was so confident that the baby was his, he forced his way into the ambulance with she and I. The ride there he kept saying "our baby", it really pissed me off but I kept my cool for the sake of the pregnant female and my daughter. At the hospital, she was breathing out of control. Daniel looked as if he were about to give birth himself. I stepped up and went inside the room dressed in scrubs. It was go time.

"Lissa you have to push" I said with a little bit of aggression. She tried, throwing her head back in pain. This resulted in an emergency c-section. She looked at me with tears in her eyes, frightened. "You're gonna be okay, don't be scared I'm right here" I said, caressing her face. It was the most graphic yet beautiful thing I'd ever witnessed.

After everything was cleaned up, they allowed everyone to come inside the room. Just the sight of Annalise was beautiful. Daniel immediately went to her, cooing at the sight of her. "Hey, yeah it's daddy. Welcome to the world little one, I didn't know you were even coming" he said, receiving and small giggle from MY daughter. My friends awed, completely clueless that the baby was mine. "Babe, I was thinking and I really like the name Annalise. It's my grandmas name" Lissa smiled.

My blood boiled over the top, so I left the room to get some space. In the waiting room I was met by my family alongside with Lissa's. They were talking about the baby and it just made it worse. I angrily glided to the front desk, demanding a DNA test. Luckily they allowed them at that hospital. 

I lead both families to the room, ready to destroy this boy's dreams. I opened the door calmly, looked him straight in the eyes and smirked. "DNA test, let's go" I said. "For what? Lissa did you cheat on me?" He asked. "No, Lauren what's wrong with you. I didn't sleep with anyone else, I swear Daniel" she said. "I just want to be sure, she deserves the correct father" I said. He agreed idiotically.

The results took a few hours to come back. When the nurse walked in with the papers, Daniel ran up and grabbed them from her. Eager to be the father, he quickly opened the papers up. His face fell, finding out the truth. "Daniel? What does it say?" Lissa asked. He looked at me, extremely disappointed. "S-She's n-not mine, she's Lauren's" he said followed by a sea of gasps. "D-Daniel, you're lying right? How is that even possible?" She asked, which was the question being repeatedly asked by everyone expect Mani. Dinah grabbed me by the ear, dragging me far down the hallway. She knew something was up.

"What the hell did you do? Is that test rigged?"she asked. "No, how would you even rig a DNA test? It's real okay, but I had nothing to do with this. It was Normani" I said. "How?" She whispered. "Sleepover tonight, I'll explain everything" I said.

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