Chapter 11

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We snuck back downstairs. Everyone was still asleep. There was still space on the couch. I sat down with Normani. I still felt bad about hitting her, she was just staying in her comfort zone. I glanced over at my girlfriend, who was asleep. I took that opportunity. I pulled Normani close to me. "When they leave, it's just you and me. Well that is until later tonight when my family gets back" I whispered in her ear. "What are you gonna do to me?" She asked touching my leg. "That's a surprise" I giggled. "Uhh Lauren, your girlfriend looks angry" Normani whispered. I looked at Lissa, her face was red. She got up and walked outside. I sighed, and went after. She was crying into her hands.

I walked up behind her. "Stop crying, I'm sorry" I said embosoming her.

"What are you gonna do to her when we leave? Huh?" She asked.

"I-I......" I stammered

"What did you do to her upstairs? Yeah I saw you two come down together. Tell me the truth or we're done" she demanded.

"I just touched her boobs, that's it" I said.

"Lauren, why didn't you do that to me? Am I not good enough for you?" She asked.

I picked her up and she squealed. I carried her back inside, until I got to my room. I tossed her onto my bed, and locked my room door. "Lauren what are you doing?" She asked. "Shut up" I giggled, kissing her neck. I got under the covers and she did too. "Let's get some sleep" I said. She laid on my chest.



"I'm sorry for being jealous" she apologized.

"It's fine" I reassured her. "Now go to sleep, it's like two in the morning."

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