Chapter 22

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I was still screaming into the nothingness. With one sharp shock, my eyes fluttered and I was back in my room. "Guys she's awake!" Ally said. I sat up more confused than ever. A song of relieved sighs took place. "What?" I asked. "What do you mean what? Lauren you were just fucking frozen" Dinah said. "Where's mani?!" I yelled. My eyes welled with tears, and I fell back into my bed. I screamed into my hands, more angry than ever. "Lauren calm down! It's okay, she's downstairs" ally said, moving my hands from my face. What the hell was happening to me?

After I was able to calm myself down, Normani came up to lay with me. Mavis had to go, her parents were taking her to the doctors. My head lay in Mani's lap. Glow sticks? When I thought about it, it made no sense. I hide all of my sex toys in that cabinet not glow sticks. I've never been so scared in my life, it was a nightmare maybe. A pair of plump lips touched my cheek, sending a chill down my spine. I started to think she really was a robot, nobody glitches like that. "Can we get some privacy for a second guys?" I asked. Respectfully they left for downstairs.

I stared at her, examining her face. "Are you a robot?" I asked. "What? No that's ridiculous Lauren" she said. "Are you ok, ever since we woke up and found you frozen you've been acting strange" she said. I ignored her, smooshing our faces together. Our tongues battled each other, hers becoming dominant. We broke the kiss, sitting quiet for a few minutes. I sighed lying back, staring into the blank ceiling. She came and laid next to me, her right arm draped over me. "Tell me what happened in your mind. I know something happened for you to stiffen up like that" she said. I explained what happened, and she listened. "I think you need to see a doctor, I'm not saying you're crazy I'm saying that we should get to the bottom of this before it gets really bad" she said. I nodded. It was times like these that I wish I knew the answer to everything. The question I longed for an answer to. What's the real meaning of life?

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