Chapter 20

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At lunch, all six of us say there. Mavis wanted to tell them what was happening to her, she wanted her friends to know in case she didn't survive. "Alright tell us. I'm anxious I wanna know" Camila said, antsy in her seat. "Well...this isn't great news, but I-I have cancer and I moved here for treatment...I most likely won't survive" she said, looking into her lap. Everyones facial expression became sorrowful. Dinah hugged her saying that she was strong. I looked over to see a tear roll down Normani's face. She knew. She knew what would happen to Mavis in the end.

I dragged her to the bathroom. "I know you know, what's gonna happen to her? Is she gonna live?" I asked, panicking. She stood there saying nothing. I knew that meant no. I turned around pacing back and fourth in the bathroom. "Lauren?" Normani said. I ran up to her shaking her. "She has to live! She has to! Tell me the truth!" I yelled. "Lauren! I don't know! Okay?! I cried because I feel sad that she's going through that! I only know what you know" she responded. "You're lying to me. How did you know what's wrong with Lissa?! I know you know. You think I like want me to yourself, don't you?" I asked. "Listen to yourself, you're crazy. I don't know Lauren, seriously" she said. It was then when she slapped the breath out of me. I needed that. "You need to calm the fuck down, I can only see so far into the future. I truthfully don't know if she's gonna live or not" she said. I sighed, unhappy with that answer. I understood though.

At the end of the school day, I invited Mavis to spend the night. I figured a little support would make her feel better. My heart was heavy from this, I couldn't imagine how she felt.

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