Mission with the two Silva

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It has been 3 days after (____) had gotten into the Silver Eagles, everything is normal..Except for the fact that yesterday was a complete disaster, but I'm not gonna talk about it. Though long story short, someone had told (____) to do chores but (____) didn't want too..And then you know, they argue, and that's about it. (____) was in his room, reading his grimoire so he could learn some spells that he haven't heard before, some of them sound weird and some of them sound cool, though it seem a lot of them are kinda difficult..They look difficult, wether using it in a fight or mastering it, (____) hope he can control his magic properly..Even if he actually did when he was fighting Elijah. But he still afraid of his magic going out of control, even if he doesn't need to worry about it..Maybe it's just his imagination or whatever? I don't know, he just feels like one day he would suddenly get his magic out of control.

'Man, I shouldn't be thinking about that!'

"Yeah, you shouldn't. Also, you might get your first mission today."

'Whaa? How do you know?'

"I just feel like it."

'That's stupid!'


(____) puff his cheeks(?) before continuing to read, the 'Anti-dodging' spell is his usual skill that he always use in Teyvat, everytime he attack Hilichurls..He always said something like
'Freeze to death!' everytime he uses his elemental skill on enemies, it's his thing but since he never fight a lot, he never say it often. He remembered the time where him and Klee had gone out of Mondstadt, he let Klee burned everything, monster..The woods..And he didn't even tell Jean about it! But that's just an old memory, he will never forget it.

"(____)? (____)!"

He suddenly heard someone said outside his bedroom, by hearing the familiar voice...It's probably Solid. What does this man want fr him? Is he gonna yell at him again for not doing chores yesterday? He said the person could come in because he was a bit too lazy to get up. Someone had open the door, and it's Solid..And another lady right behind him.

"What do you want!"

"Nozel want to see you in his office."

"Okay? Just tell him to meet me in my room."

"There's a mission for you! Shut up and follow us. Be glad it's your first."

Solid had let his door open and was waiting for (____) outside, (____) sigh and close his grimoire, he got out of bed and go outside with the other two. He yawn while walking with them. So a mission eh? Well, this is gonna his first, he seem pretty excited about it. Who cares if it's dangerous or not, he would do every mission that is given by somebody! But will he go alone or...Should he ask? Hm. Yeah sure.

"Heyy..Am I going alone on this mission?"

"What? No you won't go alone? Do you think you're strong enough to fight enemies alone. WE'RE going with you!"

"I just ask, why the hell are you being rude about it."

"Tch, idiot."

..Maybe asking is a bad idea, now they're judging him, (____) life is getting pretty tough now, because of these people of course..Gotta deal with their bullshit and stuff, he have to 'obey' them because they're royals, like..He doesn't care? He's still confused about the peasant and nobles thing, he never understood it in the first place..He know some 'nobles' in Teyvat, some of them are bunch of asshole too.

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