Black Bulls captain is here!

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A portal suddenly appears behind Asta. A sharp blade came out from the portal, and a guy with a tank top came in to defend Asta from the ball of light, by using a katana.

(____) was surprise, he recognized the dude but could figure out who he was, until he heard Asher introduce the man,

"Captain of the Black Bulls..Yami Sukehiro. Gladly, who knows what would happen if he didn't save the kid."

"The kid will die, duh."

The man said he was lost and need directions, which made (____) deadpanned. But the guy is here now, they will have no problem fighting Licht. Right? Thanks to Noelle that contact the Magic Knights, and it seem like the Black Bulls was close to Nean Village.

"Well, I guess we don't have to help you."

"No, we're still helping him."


(____) took a deep breath and get up with any strength he has left, his legs were wobbly, but he manage to move forward, he walk over to the nun while holding his bleeding stomach. He drop down close to her and heal her, his eyes suddenly landed on Gauche, who seem to struggle, they both made eye contact.

"..I'll try my best to heal her."

(____) blurt out, making the guy stare at him in shock.

"Y-you're just wasting your energy..!"

"I don't care...I want her to be safe! She'll be dead if there's no one healing her..!"

Gauche looked conflicted, he can feel his heart beating faster and harder, he doesn't know why he suddenly wants to make sure everything's alright. He never cared for anyone aside from his little sister, but now, seeing the person who takes care of his little sister being injured makes him..Feel bad about himself.

He doesn't want the nun to die, not ever. That will make his little sister sad.
But he can't help, he can't do anything...But, this random guy he barely know, is just here. It might sound stupid but, his heart told him he had to trust him.


"Hey, you guys!"

A unfamiliar voice spoke, (____) turn his head around and sees a brown hair male walking towards them..He seem to be the Black Bulls too. (____) sigh, he stopped using his healing spell on the woman, slightly felt guilty of himself.

He saw the guy picking up the nun easily, he created a portal to let the injured people in, (____) decided to help and bring the children inside.
He looked at Gauche again, seeing he was struggling get up from the ground. He didn't know how to deal with him, so he decided there was only one thing that could get him up faster,

"Come on.."

Gauche look at him, confused. Then suddenly (____) carried him, bridal style. He picked him up so fast he didn't even notice.
He didn't know why, but he felt his cheeks heating up.

"W-What are you.."

"Shut up or I will drop you."

"I will kill you if you do..!"

(____) ignored his threats and carried him to the portal. The brunette saw them and looked at them with a surprise look. Gauche saw it and glared at him, he felt his face getting red by the embarrassment.


(____)'s breath hitched, he felt shivers run down his spine. his eyes were staring at the floor, all he could here are chats of the people around him. he could hear their conversations but he couldn't listen to anything. It seemed like he was drowning in his own thoughts. It felt like his head was filled with water, he was dizzy.

"Hey, you ok?"

Someone spoke.
(____) blinked, his vision focused. He raise his head up to meet Gauche's face, who was sitting on a chair. His face doesn't know any emotion, all he showed was concern.

"Are you okay?..."

"Ah..I'm sorry, I wasn't paying attention. What did you say?"


Gauche look away and continue to be silent. (____) did the same, his dopey eyes stare at a wall,  he didn't feel like talking anymore, he's tired. He wanted to sleep, forget about today and pretend everything is fine. But he couldn't,  because something felt wrong.
Something feels so wrong,  he couldn't remember what it was. All he knew is that he felt uneasy and upset.

What is this feeling?

Whatever it is, he doesn't like it.

'I need to go back.'

"Are you crazy? You still need recovery."

Nova said, (____) shake his head and sigh, he stand up, he felt dizzier and he almost fell on his way to go back.

'Asher, please assist me.'


"What are you doing?"

(____) ignore them. He quickly went outside while the others were calling our for him. As he exited the building, he saw multiple people surrounding him, he slightly push them away so they could give him space.

He huff and let Asher put him on his wind. Leading him back towards the cave.

'That guy...
Was the one who harmed him.'


(____) look behind the wall, he was surprised the leader's comrade had fallen after Asta back flash his attack. He tried to be sneaky, but it seem to failed after he saw Licht had pulled out a familiar spell.

A light like whip appeared in his hand. His sweat running cold,

"The path this spell traces resembles the motions of a whip. Can you predict its movements?"

'Do any of you have a defense spell?'

"No. Heh."

'Fuck you.'

"What did I do?!"

(____) scoff.  Suddenly, a piece of the cave collapse near him, which startled him. He look behind the way again, seeing Licht had became a maniac with the whip. He's sure Asta and his captain are okay but he wasn't sure he is. The light whip were going everywhere, left and right, up and down. It was so fast.

The ground shake beneath him, there's nothing to do right now..He have to shield himself from the rocks fallen and wait for the guy to stop whipping.


He heard Nova yelled, which he hissed at because it was loud. He didn't notice a massive piece of the cave was about to hit him. He didn't have time to react, because he had fall after the ground collapse on him.

'Oh shit!'

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑪𝒓𝒚𝒐 𝑴𝒂𝒈𝒆♧︎︎︎Where stories live. Discover now