Spin the bottle

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"I am just another promise you couldn't keep"

"I am just another promise you couldn't keep"

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Ella hadnt talked to gilbert after that day. After the weekend was over, she knew she would have to face him in school.

She got ready and headed to school. Josie asked everyone, including the boys to sit together at lunch. Ella was confused but she followed anne and diana at lunch there.

There was this new boy, cole. Mr phillips hated him a lot for some reason. Anne, diana and ella liked him a lot. Ella always had a feeling that he was like her aunt but she never talked to him about it.

Whereas she got really close to ava. Jacob and her hadnt met yet. Jacob was in charlottetown for some work. 

They talked about all the girl stuff. Boys, menstruation. Things she could never talk to her mother about. Ava told her so much about her and.....well, things you do when you get married making ella's eyes go wide.

It was like having an older sister. Ava visited her house a lot.

Uncle william had already approved of her.

He said that he was the 'perfect' girl.

Ignoring gilbert the whole day she went and sat with jack who squeezed her hand making her jump.

"Are you okay" he whispered.

He didnt know about gilbert of course.

"Yeah" she whispered back and then looked at gilbert, who was already staring at her. She broke it and josie pye started talking.

"Whomever the bottle points to... you are permitted to kiss. It needs to be boy, girl, boy, girl." The last line made ella roll her eyes.

"Where does that leave Cole?" billy said as everyone laughed.

"Shut up billy at least he is better then you" ella said, giving him a death stare.

"Good to see nothing's changed" gilbert said.

"Yeah but a lot of people changed" ella said looking at him.

Diana saw the tension and said "Shall we begin"

"Who would like to spin first? Diana!" josie said.

Diana spun the bottle and it stopped.......right in front of ella's brother......

"Oh no. Wait, let me cover my eyes I dont wanna make a mess" ella said as james rolled his eyes.

James went up to her and kissed her. They pulled away and smiled a little as the others 'Oohed'

"Next! Ella why dont you go" josie said

"What? Me?...Um okay" she said.

She spun the bottle and chanted one thing.

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