And it was always you...

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A/N: Deena x Sam. LET'S GO! By the way!!!!! THANK YOU FOR 4.4K AND 4.5K! I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH!


Deena was walking down the hall by herself, as usual, as she had her bag on her bag dangling to the side, walking care-free around the school. She was bored out of her mind and wanted to do something as she had a free period and had enough time to do whatever she wanted for 50 minutes; yet she didn't know what to do. Her mind had gone blank and she wanted to do something soon as she was about to explode out of boredom. 

As she was turning the corner, she felt herself bump into someone which made her stumble back, she groaned in slight pain as she had a sore shoulder,

"Shit," Deena mumbled, "sorry..." she apologised letting out a small sigh, the girl she bumped into shook her head dismissing it. 

"No, no, you're good. It's fine." The blonde girl dismissed it and gave her a small smile. Deena recognised that voice as she had been crushing on the girl for over two years, Samantha Fraser, popular girl, cheerleader. Most likely to be seen with the bitches that bully Deena but she didn't care. She would never blame her friends doing on Sam. It seemed impossible for her to blame Sam for anything. 

"S-Sam..." Deena announced quietly as she stared her down, Sam smiled letting out a nervous laugh,

"Deena." Sam repeated in the same tone in a mocking way then let out a small laugh, Deena simply stared at her for a moment then let out a small and nervous laugh, "Where you headed?" Sam questioned, Deena simply shrugged at this,

"Uhm... I-I don't know. I have a free, so, I'm kinda just... w-walking around." Deena stuttered out nervously, she looked around hoping for something to save her as she wished that something would stop her from stuttering and let her get away from Sam. 

"Mind if I come with you? I've got a free period too." Sam explained, Deena widened her eyes slightly but then nodded her head.

"Uh, sure... why not." Deena shrugged out coolly. The two started to walk with Deena helping Sam with her stuff as she had three large books and 2 jotters in her arm but with Deena's offering, she only had a book and a jotter. Deena insisted on carrying the rest of her stuff.

"Thanks for doing this, it's very kind of you." Sam grinned out as she side-glanced at Deena, 

"Yeah, no, it's nothing." Deena dismissed shaking her head following her to her locker, "But how come you've got all these books?" she asked confused looking at the two books she had realising that they were a math textbook and a history textbook. 

"Well I need them since I suck at Math and for the History one, I'm just trying to get ahead so, that when It comes to class work, I'll know most of the stuff." Sam explained which made Deena nod her head.

"Smart idea." Deena hummed out, Sam glanced at her with a grin.

"Thanks!" Sam thanked happily as in truth, Sam quite liked Deena; she always felt intrigued by the girl who seemed to carry so many secrets that Sam was curious on how she wasn't falling apart by now. 

She wanted to know how but simply couldn't, one girl couldn't hold all that information yet she did. And Sam appreciated that, she liked how Deena managed to carry anything and everything that anyone told her and walk around coolly like there was nothing important in life. She always walked or wondered the halls so cool that it made Sam jealous as she wished she could do that yet people seemed to adore Sam; although she wished that she could be alone and be like Deena and have no one have much care for her.

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