Chapter Thirty-Four

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"You done packing yet?" Lysander asked excitedly over the phone, "Gosh, I am so excited."

I can tell.

"Of course you are," I grumbled, "It's, like, the most obvious thing ever."

No, he sounds totally sounds depressed. Just insert eye-roll here.

"You look tired," He commented.

"Nice to see you noticed," I said, "Because I, UNLIKE SOMEBODY, had to wake up at 5:30 in the morning whereas SOMEBODY had the luxury to wake up at WHATEVER TIME IT IS IN BRAZIL!" I yelled at him through the phone.

That was because, at that time, I had to wake up VERY early to be in time for the fight that would leave at 6.

My mom slammed the door open. "Are you okay? I heard yelling in here." My mom panted, probably from sprinting from her room to mine.

"Wait, you were yelling? Are you okay?" Lysander asked in the same worried tone my mom used.

I mentally facepalmed. If I could, I would have slapped Lysander. That idiot.

"Who are you talking to?" My mom asked. Uh-oh. I think I'm going to get in trouble.

"Lysander, ma'am!" Lysander cheered happily, still stupidly oblivious about, well, everything.

"Oh. Well, that's okay." She smiled, surprisingly. "I'm sure Lysander is an awesome and charming guy or whatever adjectives you teens use these days. Hot? No, he's not on fire. Nevermind. But you have to get packing because I 1) want to sleep after this and 2) don't want to see you crying about missing the flight." Mom closed the door without another word.

It's not like she hated him weeks ago or anything....

Then she peeked back in. "Is this Lysander guy going with you?" She asked.

"Uh-" I started. Well, did I ever mention that I never told her about Lysander's situation?

You see, he's going to return with us so that kinda means he went with us...

"Yeah," I said, "He is."

"That's good!" She smiled excitedly, "Ask him to pick you up."

"He's taking the bus," I lied.

"Why don't you take that too?"

"You need a ticket," I told her. "Actually, he just told me that he was riding to school in his dad's car."

"How did you know when he didn't say a word?" She asked skeptically.

"I'm magical..." I told her.

"Can he take you?" She asked, getting impatient.

"His car can only fit two people..." I smiled weakly.

"How can he fit his luggage then?" She raised an eyebrow.

"He glued them to the roof of the car," I explained.

"Uh-huh." She lowered her glasses, "I see. He could tie you to the roof, too. Glue is too strong. You'll get just as good an experience as going to Eight Flags of wherever you wanted to go."

"There isn't enough room on his roof," I told her, "He brought his entire house with him."

She rolled her eyes. "Forget about me saying he was a decent person."

I didn't want to tell her she never said anything about him being a decent person.

She sighed. "Let's go- wait, is that all you're taking?" She gaped at my one suitcase and pillow.

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