Meeting Samuel ( Sam )

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(James' POV)

Me and Rora reached near where that thing had crashed and got off her hoverboard ( I swear that if I have a choice then I won't EVER RIDE IT AGAIN).

Anyways so we got off the hoverboard and started looking for some clues about that that thing but it was difficult because the hill had a quiet dense forest.

"I don't think we will-" she started but I sushed her cause I heard the a rustle of leaves nearby. I went in that direction and motioned her to follow me. She picked up her board and followed me.
Soon we heard a woman's girly voice saying, "Give up now little prince or be ready to DIE!"

"NEVER!" shouted a boy's voice.

We moved quietly towards the voice making sure to keep ourselves hidden behind the tree. When we reached the source of the voices Rora gasped and I quickly covered her mouth with my hands for we saw a dozen men wearing a mask, standing in a circle around a boy of our age and pointing their guns towards him. A masked woman was also standing in front of the boy and was pointing her sword at his throat. The boy was badly injured and his face was covered in mud and blood. His clothes were looking expensive but had gotten a bit torn. He was also holding a sword in his right hand but it was pointing downwards, clearly because he had been beaten by the woman.
In his left hand he was holding a type of crystal ball and was trying to keep out of her reach. She went to grab his left arm to was seize the crystal ball from him and


Rora thew a ball something from her bag over there and there was a loud sound and everything went black. Smoke filled the whole area. I felt her grabbing my hand and pulling me towards where they were standing. I didn't know what the hell was going on in her mind and how she was able to see through the smoke but I was sure that the smoke was caused by one of her inventions.

"DON'T SHOOT! We need the prince alive," the woman shouted, maybe she was the leader and was ordering the men.
"Who are you?" asked the boy's voice from nearby.

"Just follow me," answered Rora.
Now I was literally confused as hell.
What the hell she thought she was doing. She continued dragging me and by the sound of another dragging feet I think she was also dragging the boy.
After a few minutes the smoke started to lessen and I saw that we were heading towards a cave. I looked back to see if the others had followed us but thankfully it seemed that they were left behind in the smoke. We entered the cave and and she let go of our hands. I saw that she was wearing her thermal glasses. So that's why she was able to see in smoke. Before any of us could ask her a question she started searching for something in her bag. The boy sat down clearly tired and gave me a questioning look. I just shurrged and sat down too.
Rora finally pulled something out of her bag. It was a greenish box of the size of a rubix cube. She tapped one side of the box and put it at the entrance of the cave. Suddenly there was a flash of light and a big rock appeared closing the mouth of the cave.

"WE ARE TRAPPED!" me and the boy shouted together.

"No we aren't, it's just a hologram. From outside it will look like a closed cave so they won't find us." she replied and also sat down.

"Well?" She asked the boy.

"Well what?" He asked her back obviously confused as hell.

"Who are you? Who were they and why were they after you and were they calling you a prince ?" She said.

"It's none of your business," he snapped at her.


"Excuse me mister, how can you talk to my sister like that after she just saved your neck?" I snapped back at him.

"I didn't ask her to, did I? And even if I tell you, you won't believe me."He replied.

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