Oh Crap!

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(Author's POV)

"So you really dumped her?"

"Yesssss! How many times are you going to ask me that?" Sam said exasperated.

It was another evening and Sam and Dean were fishing in a lake in the forest which was close to the palace.

"I was just confirming," Dean replied," I still can't believe how much stupid you were to believe her for a year. You can't understand girls." He added chuckling.

"Comes from a boy who never dated any girl himself,"Sam snapped at him," You just don't know that girls are even more complex than the black holes for us boys to understand."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever," Dean rolled his eyes ,"By the way you are lucky that you got rid of her before the ball but then whom are you going to ask now?"

"Umm.. I don't know now. What about you?"

"I-I-I.....well it doesn't matter cause she would never accept me," Dean said turning a bit red.

"And who is she?" Sam raised his eyebrows at him.

"Er- I'll tell you when you find your own date. Anyways,it's getting dark I should better go back home or else my mum will be after my blood."Dean replied hesitantly and got up and started going back to his home.

They weren't able to catch a fish today.

Sam frowned and also got up and started going back, he had just walked a few meters when he heard something, someone else was moving the forest, and the voice wasn't coming from the direction in which Dean had left.

Sam went in the direction of the voice.

After a few minutes he bumped into something or rather someone. It was a girl but he couldn't see her properly as the forest had got really dark by now.

"Who's that?" They both asked at the same time.



"What are you doing here?" Aurora asked him. Her voice was unusually low this time and she was looking dizzy.

"I was here for fishing, what are you doing here?"

"I don't know," she said simply and when he looked at her like she had grown two heads, she added,"I mean I really don't know. About 30 minutes ago I started having this headache and I don't know why but I wanted to come here, it-it felt like someone was controlling me."

"You mean like when you use your... you know... technopathy?" He asked her.

"Maybe," she answered uncertainly.

"You should tell someone." He told her.

"What!!No, I can't," she shook her head.

"But it can be dangerous if someone is really controlling you, it can be a trap, I mean there are loads people who want to capture you,"He said.

She bit her lip and looked down,"I know but I can't, atleast not now."

He sighed,"Alright but we get out of here quick-" he hadn't finished when a cold female voice interrupted him.

"Hello there my dear niece."

Both of them turned towards the direction of the voice and saw a woman wearing black clothes and a mask coming towards them from behind the trees and about twenty men followed her, they were also in black clothes and masks.

Four men dashed to them and caught both Sam and Aurora by their arms in a tight grip.

"W-who are you?" Aurora questioned them.

The woman pulled out her mask.

"MATILDA!" Sam growled,"H-how did you entered into Avalor?"

"Oh, I had a little help but never mind that," she said with wicked laugh.

"Those corrupted brats," Sam cursed the ministers under his breath.

"What the hell do you want with us?" Sofia shouted at them.

"Calm down Aurora,"Matilda said to her,"We are on your own father's side
so we aren't going to harm you, but I can't say the same about him." She added pointing at Sam.

"But I'm not like my so called father,"Aurora snapped at her.

"Deny it all you want child, but you have got his blood in your veins. Infact, you have inherited his technopathy too," Matilda told her as she came close to them.

Aurora froze,"Y-you know about that?So it was you who was controlling me."

"Me?" Matilda laughed,"No my dear child, I don't have the power to do so. It was your dad, our Dark Lord."

"Impossible," shouted Sam,"He had disappeared years ago. He's probably dead. "

"No, he isn't dead. Surely that brat Garrick had thought that he had defeated him, but he was wrong. No one could erase our Lord for he isn't only a human now."

"What do you mean?" Aurora asked in a hushed tone.

"You will see," Matilda answered her as she snatched the lunar locket from Aurora's neck.

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