The Ball and The Warning

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(Author's POV)

"Listen boy, failure won't be tolerated this time. Am I clear?" Tilly said darkly.

"I will try my best Captain-,"Xavier replied but was cut off in between as she raised the tip of her sword to his neck and said in her signature cold voice,"You have already been given a lot of chances. Now no more trials, you will have to do the best or else.." she turned back without completing her sentence but Xavier understood her meaning and gulped.

"I-I won't f-f-fail you Captain," he said stuttering.

"You better don't," said a third and more colder voice and a man came out of the shadows. He turned towards Tilly and asked her,"All going as planned?"

"Yes, my lord," she answered bowing.

"Good, now start counting your time backwards, Garrick." Henry whispered to himself as an evil grin appeared on his face.


(Aurora's POV)

"Ouch!" I shouted as I felt a jolt of pain in my head.

Oh no! It seems something wrong gonna happen soon.

"What happened Rora?" Vic asked me panicked.

"Something got in my eyes" I lied.

I need to inform Sam.

"Can I get up now?" I asked her impatiently.

"Just a few more minutes."

She was doing my hair for tonight's Christmas Eve Ball. I had told her that there is no need of it as I don't like to do these things but she didn't listen any of it.

And about our dresses, Victoria was wearing a beautiful gown of silver colour with a full skirt trimmed with golden lace.

And I was wearing a gown which belonged to my mother when she was the princess royal. I was really taken aback when I had first seen it for I had never seen a more beautiful dress before. Delicately crafted from a dark blue silk, its skirt glittered with silver stars.

After what seemed like five minutes she said,"Alright, you are ready now," she handed me a mirror,"Look."

I looked into the mirror to see-

Oh my god! It-it can't be me, IT JUST CAN'T!

Vic had somehow made my usually messy hair very sleek and shiny and had twisted it up into an elegant knot at the back of my head.

"You know what Rora,"Vic said while smirking,"I think my brother is gonna be killed by your looks."

"I- WAIT WHAT ? I already told you it's-it's n-nothing like that Victoria, we are going j-just as friends." I said getting up while my cheeks had gone deep red, just then an evil idea came in my mind.

I turned to her and said,"But then what's going to happen to my brother on seeing you, given that he's already in love with you.

Her mouth opened wide at my unexpected move and she turned more red than me. I chuckled at her,"Okay now let's go or else the party will start without us."

As we reached the enternace of hall we saw the boys waiting there for us.

James was wearing a white tailcoat with black vest and Sam was wearing a deep blue tuxedo.

Strangely it seemed that the two were glaring at each other.

"Hey guys," Vic greeted them.

"Hi, Vic you're looking really pretty," James said offering her his hand.

Sam coughed a bit too loudly and I understood that it was the brother tension going on between them.

However Victoria ignored Sam, took James' hand and replied,"Thanks, you are looking very handsome too."

Sam opened his mouth to say something but I cut in between to avoid any argument,"Er- shall we go in then?"

The three nodded after a short silence and we all went inside the magnificent hall. There were many beautifully decorated Christmas trees on each side, artificial snow was falling in the whole hall, four tables with mouth watering food, and the royal band playing a very nice song on which most of the people there were waltzing in full swing and soon Victoria and James joined them too.

"You want to eat first or..?"Sam asked me in a sightly nervous voice.

"Well, actually I need to tell you something important," I said motioning him to follow me to a less crowded corner.

(Author's POV)

"You mean Henry is up to something tonight?" Sam asked horrified when Aurora told him about her headache.

She nodded.

"But how can you be so sure. I mean this can mean something else also?"

"No, Sam. I really don't know how but somehow I think that I felt what he was feeling then," Aurora told him ,"And I'm sure he planning something for tonight, something-something terrible."

"I think we should tell someone about it," Sam said unsured.

Aurora shook her head,"Tell whom and tell what? Your dad must have already suspected that dark commandos may interrupt the party and would have already placed the full security here. And if we tell our friends then it will just create panick among them, not to mention that we will have to explain them about my cyborg connections too then."

"But we can't just ignore it. It can be a warning-."

"Aurora! Sam!"

Both of them turned around and saw a cheerful Ariana coming towards them followed by an anxious looking Dean.

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