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Off stroy (information) :

Technopath is a person who has the ability to control technology with mind.
Back to the story:-

(Author's POV)

"I don't think that we can find anything useful here," Dean whispered to

He and Ariana were searching in the papers in the drawers, while Aurora
was checking the things on the selves and Sam was looking at the files on the computer.

"We can't give up this easily. They really want to know the truth about the their parents and we must help them," Ariana replied pointing in Aurora and Sam's directions.

"Yeah, I know that but we have been looking for two hours!" he whisper yelled,"And furthermore I am beginning to think that maybe their parents took everything important from here when they abandoned this lab."

"You know, I also think so but I hope otherwise," she said as she threw away another useless old newspaper cutting .

Suddenly Dean's eyes caught something in that newspaper. He picked it up and flattened it and started reading it.

It was a boring article about the life of Nicholas Alfonso, a writer.

"Alfonso? The one who wrote children's fairytale stories! Why are you looking at this? I don't think there is anything useful in this." Ariana said.

"That's exactly why I am curious about it," Dean replied and when she looked confused, he added," I mean that why would anyone keep a cutting about a fairytale writer in the drawer of a lab."

"You are right. It's really weird," Ariana nodded.

Dean carefully put that newspaper cutting in his pocket and they resumed their search.

(Sam's POV)

My eyes are literally paining very much from working continuously on computer for two hours in this dark room and still I couldn't find anything in this bloody computer except for a folder which I can't open without the password. So now I'm trying to somehow hack this but it seems impossible as it has a super security system.

"There is nothing in the selves."Aurora's voice came from behind me," Did you find anything?"

"Well I am trying to open this folder, but it seems impossible" I told her.

"Hmm let me try." She said.

I was very much exhausted so I didn't argue and stepped aside for her. I thought that she would also fry her brain on this for an hour or so and then would give up after thorough exhaustion.

But what happened next was exactly opposite.

She just typed some random password and the access was GRANTED! And the folder started loading (but very slowly)

"What?How?" I asked her, thoroughly shocked.

"I guessed the password," she replied.

I stared at her. It seemed that she wasn't completely lying but she was surely hiding something.

"What are you hiding?" I demanded sternly, daring her to lie.

(Aurora's POV)

"What are you hiding?" Sam interrogated me.

I gulped. His voice was very much stern and demanding the truth.

What should I do now. I am not even sure myself that how I guessed right.

I know that this is really really weird but whenever I use a computer I get a strange feeling inside me, like there's someone hissing inside my mind. I always have weird feeling that there's a connection between me the electronic machines. I always have a kind of control over them. And that was the reason that I had been able to hack school cameras in 3rd class. But I haven't told it to anyone, atleast not yet.

Thinking that I don't have much of a choice, I told him the truth.

After I had finished, he stared at me open mouthed.

"So," he stared speaking after a long pause,"You mean to say that you are a technopath?"

"N-No,I am not a technopath. Not at all." I replied hesitantly,"I can j-just I can..... well yeah, I guess that you can call me a kind of technopath." I chuckled awkwardly.

"B-but how?"

"I don't know about that."

"Wait a minute. If you have technopathy then maybe your mum or dad also had these powers too."

"I guess so," I said,"Look I don't want to talk about it now, please."

I really get uncomfortable when I think about my this power. Sometimes I feel someone else's  presence in my mind whenever I use any mobile or computer for a long time.

Ughhh! The thought always sends shivers down my spine.

Just then the folder loaded completely and maps of four countries of the earth appeared with a place marked with an "X" on it in each country.

I recognized those countries as America, England, Australia and India.

"What does it mean?" I said.

"Well....There's only one way to find out," he replied with an mischievous grin.

Oh no! No, no, no, no, noooo!

Please tell me that this idiot prince isn't thinking about going back to the Earth, from where we had barely escaped the bloody Dark Commandos.

Suddenly Sam's phone started.

"Oops, it's my dad," he said as he took out his phone from his pocket.

"Did he find out where we are?" I asked worried.

"I hope not," he replied and then answered the phone.

Now Dean and Ariana also came to us to see what was happening.

After a few minutes when the call ended Sam told us,"Fortunately he didn't find out that we are in the lab but he told us to return home quickly."

We nodded. I quickly copied the folder of maps in my pendrive and then we left the lab. In our way back home, Dean showed us a newspaper cutting about a writer. None of us could think a reason that why it was in the drawer so we decided to discuss it and about the maps on the next day in school.

   Fortunately Sam didn't tell Ariana and Dean about my technopathic powers. Maybe he had sensed that I'm really not comfortable to talk about that topic now so he didn't mention it even as we reached the castle. I am grateful for that.


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