James' problem

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(Aurora's POV)

"Have you gone crazy or what? You can't just back away now and since when did you get this shy with girls??If I remember correctly there were many complains about you flirting with girls since you were in primary school." I enquired James crossing my arms.

Actually today James told me that he wanted to ask Victoria to be his date on the ball. Initially everything went alright as we discussed how should he ask her but now, when we are waiting in a corridor of the palace for her to come, he is getting more and more nervous and he is even thinking of giving up without trying.

"It's different this time Rora. She's a princess and she has already rejected almost a dozen boys. I....I'm not even from this planet, what chance I have got?"He mumbled.

"Oh, come on now. I know her, she won't discriminate anyone for that." I assured him but when he still didn't look convinced I added,"And if she hadn't rejected all those boys then how would she have accepted you. Think positive brother"

"Alright I'll ask her but are you sure this plan will work?" James asked me nervously.

"Positive,"I replied," Anyways she loves songs and you have told me that you have been practicing it for two weeks."

"Yeah, but-"

Suddenly we heard some footsteps coming near us.

"It must be her, I should better go now. And don't you dare run away" I said giving him a warning look and went to hide myself behind a pillar.

Just a few seconds after I had hid myself, Victoria came there.

She saw James and asked him," Hi James, Rora told me that you wanted to meet me."

"Y-yeah well I-I-I h-have, you know, pre-prepared a-a short song so I t-thought that youwouldliketohearit," James strutted out with the last part of his sentence at top speed.

I facepalmed.

Really, always he is so overconfident but now? God save my brother.

"Er- sorry but can you repeat yourself," Victoria said.

James took a deep breath and tried again,"Would you like to hear a little song which I have prepared?"

"You have prepared a song?" Vic asked exitedly.

James nodded.

"I'd love to hear it," She said.

James took out the guitar which he had hid behind a certain and started-
"I want to ask you out at a dance ball,
And I want you to be the the one for whom I fall.
I want my eyes to never
part yours while we dance.
And my feet matching every step of yours.
I want to dance with you all night long,
While the music keeps playing
a lovely song...."

After he ended the song, he cleared his throat and spoke,"So Victoria would you like to go to the ball with me?"

There was a complete silence of a few seconds and I was anxiously bitting my fingers.

Then she ran and hugged him,"Yes, yes, yes. I will surely go with you."

James eyes widened and he hugged her back.

I sighed in relief and quietly tiptoed away from there.

I will tease them later about it. I thought with a wicked smirk.

"Now what super evil plan is going on in your mind, mastermind?" Came an amused voice from behind me.

"Actually nothing much Sam," I said without turning back,"because as you can see that I'm not a troublemaker like you."

"You called a prince a troublemaker?" Sam asked mocking an angry voice,"You can be imprisoned for life for this crime."

I finally turned back and decided to play along. I gasped dramatically and said arrogantly,"I'm sorry your highness but is speaking truth a crime in this country?"

And then we both burst out into laughter.

After sometime he asked,"Now, seriously tell me what happened?"

I thought for a moment and then told him but then I realized that it was a mistake because-

"What my sister? You mean James asked out my little sister without telling me?" He asked in a shocked voice.

"She is your twin sister, not little-"

"She is still three minutes younger," he protested.

"Whatever, the point she's not a little girl so she can choose on her own about whom to date, and you can't object it." I told him.

He opened his mouth to argue but suddenly his eyes widened.

"What happened?" I asked.

He pointed me to look backwards.

I turned around and saw King Garrick and Uncle David standing outside a room, both looking angry and arguing about something in low voices.

"What's Professor Romero doing here?" Sam said.

"I donno,"I shurrged,"Let's find out."


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