The Fight

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(Aurora's POV)

If a week ago anyone had asked me that can there be someone as mean as Doleres Umbridge in real life then my answer would have been no, but now I am sure that Diana Smith is the perfect living example of Umbridge.

"Get up loser," Diana laughed rudely at me.

It was the sports period in school and unfortunately I got paired up with Diana. She had just thrown up a huge wind blast on me and I was crawling on the ground struggling to get back up. Professor Thompson was also not present here as she was called to the headmistress' s office urgently so Diana was taking the advantage of her absence by making fun of me.
As I tried to get up again she threw another blast at me and I fell down again.

"Can't even stand up properly and you're called a legend," she crackled with laughter,"From whom did you get your pathetic skills from your criminal dad or nerd mum."

This was it, she had crossed her final limits, she had insulted my mother.

"You are so dead, Diana", I muttered bitterly as a furious rage came over me.

I don't know how but I got up instantly and slashed my sword in the air and BANG!

A huge lightning strike ( enough to kill someone) struck just a few inches away from her feet and she fell backwards.

Oh no! I could have killed her! My body started shaking terribly.

All the other students heard this bang and went to help her.

"She tried to kill me!" Diana shrieked pointing at me.

"I-I d-didn't m-meant t-to," I stuttered.

"Liar!" shouted one of the students,"You are just a murderer like your father."

"It's not her fault, Diana provoked her," Ariana spoke up.

"Yeah and furthermore lightning power is hard to use," Vic said," she must have lost her control."

I calmed down a little, atleast these two spoke up for me.

"What's happening here?" Professor Thompson arrived there.

Couldn't she have come earlier??

After getting to know all the drama which happened here, she told all the students to go back to their classroom except me.

"So Miss.Carter," she said when all the students had left,"I think that you owe me an explanation?"

"I-it was an ac-accident Professor Thompson," I said looking down at my feet.

She bit her lip and replied after a few seconds,"Very well then, I believe that it wasn't entirely your fault but in the given circumstances I can't allow you to duel with others in the class again. You will have to first control your powers on your own."

"Yes, Professor."

"Alright then you can go for now."

I sighed and went back to the classroom. To my surprise Sam was waiting on the classroom door.

"You alright?" He asked.

My eyes widened. Why did he care if I was okay or not.

When I didn't reply he said,"Look if you aren't well after.... after this then we can discuss about the map some other time."

Oh! So he was talking about our yesterday's research, he wasn't concerned about me. I thought.

"No it's fine. We will discuss that in lunch break at the library." I replied.

He nodded and then we went into the classroom.

(Time skip)

"There is no other way to find out," Sam said for the seventh time,"We are going there and that's final."

"And how in the goodness' sake will you explain King Garrick that why do you want to go there," Dean argued, " I mean you can't just go to another planet without your dad noticing it."

"I don't know about that now but there will surely be a way," he replied.

While the two boys were arguing about the map, I and Ariana were reading the stories written by Alfonso to find out something about him.

Alfonso was really a very creative writer. He wrote the stories which looked a real and not real at the same time. I was reading his "story of the six crystals" when-

"Hey guys," came Xavier's voice.

"Xav, what are you doing here?" Asked Ariana as she and I instantly shut and tried to hide Alfonso's books as we didn't want him to find out what we were doing.

"Looking for you two," he said pointing at her and me,"What are you doing?"

"It's none of your business," Sam said coldly before anyone else could respond.

"I was talking to my friends," Xavier replied, his fists clenched.


Even if Sam's voice was cold it didn't sound even a bit dark but on the other hand, Xavier, there was a threatening manner in his tone which I haven't seen him ever use before.

He must be furious about something.

(Xavier's POV)

"It's none of your business," Hugo said coldly to me.

My fists clenched.

Firstly I got scolded by grandpa because this brat prince managed to escape and now he is preventing me to spy on Sofia.

"I was talking to my friends," I replied threateningly.

Suddenly I caught Sofia and Desmond looking suspiciously at me.

Oh no! I wasn't supposed to be aggressive. I almost blew my cover.

I took a deep breath, made a sad face and said,"Well if you don't want tell then it's ok."

I think my trick worked on Amber, she was just about to answer me but the stupid Desmond cut her off and said," No we don't want to tell you."

I cursed him under my breath and went away.

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