First Day in Avalor Prep High (Part 2)

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(Aurora's POV)

I was just about to exit the class but then

"Miss.Carter, I would like a word," Professor Romero said.

I turned back and went to him. He waited till the other students left the classroom and then spoke," I heard from King Garrick that how you reached here yesterday and I must say that I am quite impressed by your method. Smoke bombs and hologram projectors used to be the favorite tools of your mum too."

"You knew my mum?"

"Knew her! Why won't I know my own sister?"

My mum was his sister? Is he my uncle?

Your parents Henry and Mia Carter, your maternal uncle David Romero and my parents Garrick and Natasha Wilson were good friends. Sam's voice echoed in my head.

"Un-uncle David?" I asked a little unsure.

"Ah! So you know about me."

"Yeah, Sam had told me but I think that it slipped from my mind." I told him.

"Never mind that. Now tell me how's it been so far here in Celisto?" He asked me.

"Well honestly it's been quite great. Most of the people are quite nice but...."
I trailed off not wanting to continue but when he raised his eyebrows I blutered out ,"but some people seem to hate me just cause of my dad."

"Don't blame yourself for the crimes of your father, my child. If anyone is to be blamed then it should be people like me. "

"What do you mean?" I was totally confused.

He hesitated for a moment before answering,"I guess that it's a story for another day. Now you should go back to your friends, I assume that it's your free period."

I wanted to argue but thought better of it, I nodded and left the room. It's a free period so where should I go now? I thought as walked down the corridors, some students who were passing me were still shamelessly whispering and pointing at me.
Ughhh! What's wrong with these people. Suddenly I saw a library.
Ah! Finally a moment of peace. I walked into the library and my jaw dropped. I had never seen so many books. I think that this can be compared to the Hogwarts Library. I started searching for an interesting book but then I felt a tap on my shoulders. I turned around and saw Sam.

"Er- How can I help you?" I asked him.

"Follow me." He said simply and before I could respond, he turned back and started going to the furtherest corner of the library. Though confused I followed him. He sat down on a chair and I also sat down on a chair in front of him. When I sat down he cleared his throat and said,"Do you wanna find about your lunar locket?"

"Find out what about it? You yourself told me that it's just a device used to travel to different planets-" I started saying but he cut me off.

"I mean that do you wanna find out what what our mothers found when they were working on the locket." He said.

I thought for a moment," Well yes I want to know ab-" but then something clicked in my mind,"hang on, how do you know that they had found something?" I asked him raising an eyebrow.

"Isn't it obvious, I overheard my dad and Professor Romero talking 'bout it one day," he told me casually.

"You were eavesdropping on the king!" I whisper yelled at him, only able to keep my voice low because of my respect for the library norms.

"There is no point in yelling at me, miss perfect. Now back to the topic, I want to find out about the locket's history too. It must be linked with the lost spectrum." He said now in a serious tone except for the word, miss perfect, which was in a teasing tone.

"Okaay, but why are you telling me all this?" I said. He opened his mouth to answer me but then his eyes widened as he saw something behind me and he ducked down and hid himself under the table which was between us. I was taken aback.
Why did he hid himself like that?
I turned back to see what he had just seen and I saw Diana entering the library. She looked around as if finding someone but it seemed that she couldn't and then she sighed sadly and left the library. Suddenly Sam came up from under the table and sat back on his chair.

"What was that about?" I said

"Ah well I had told Diana that I was going to bathroom because that's the only place where she doesn't follow me." He told me

"So it looks like someone's got tired of his girlfriend?" I asked him smirking.

He rolled his eyes at me and answered,"You should talk about yourself. You got yourself a boyfriend on your first day at school."

"What the you mean by that? I don't have any boyfriend and I don't want any either" I snapped at him.

"Oh really, then why was that Xavier flirting with you!" He said to me in an almost accusing manner.

"I guess that he was just joking, he's just a friend. And even if he was my boyfriend then what's the hell it gotta do with you!" I snapped at him.

He looked taken abacked at my question and didn't answer me for a while and then said,"Anyways back to the topic, I was planning to go to our parents' lab again this Sunday with Dean to find out what they were working on and now that I have heard that it's gotta do something with your locket I think maybe you can come with us too."

"Alright, in that case I will come but do you think that just we three will be able to find something?" I said.

"Well who else do you think can help us?" He asked me.

"I can," came a voice from just behind me, I slightly jumped from my chair and turned around to see Ariana.

"What are you doing here?" Sam asked her. I noticed that he had some bitterness in his voice towards her. I wondered why.

"You aren't the only one in this school who is good at eavesdropping, your highness" She told him in an equally bitter voice,"Anyways so now I am going there too."

"No you aren't." snapped Sam.

"Then I will tell your dad about it," she said in a slightly threatening manner.

"Ok fine you can come too but just don't tell anyone else about it," he said finally in defeat and got up from his chair and exited the library. After a few seconds Ariana sat down on his empty chair and said to me," It's gonna me so much fun on Sunday!"

"Umm I guess so, but what's so exciting about it?" I asked her.

"I will get a whole day to spend with De-" she started but then stopped suddenly when she realized what she was going to say.

"Were you going to say Dean?" I asked her exitedly.

She blushed a bit and then nodded after a moment.

Oooh! So that's why she wants to come with us. I thought.

Suddenly the bell rang and we both got up and ran out towards the school ground as it was our sports period.


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