The Gauntlet

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(Author's POV)

At was around midnight and our Aurora was sitting on the roof of her old house. Her team was staying in her and James' old house in Boston while trying to find the crystal of ice which was located somewhere in that city. She was gazing at the stars. It was a very beautiful night, the shimmering stars were really looking like a milky way.
Suddenly she felt a tap on her shoulders but didn't get startled as she knew exactly who was there.

"Hi, Sammy," she said softly.

"How do you always know when its me?" He asked as he sat beside her.

"I have my ways for that," she smirked and entwined her fingers with his. She leaned her head on his shoulders and said,"You know what, I want the time to just stop now. It's very peaceful, just you and me and this beautiful night. I wish it all just ended here."

"As much as I want to say that I wish it too, I can't," he replied and when she looked up at him in confusion he added," All the time I wish to go back to Avalor and kill that Henry, I want to take revenge for my father."

"Hmm, well now you don't have wait long for that," she said pointing at the bracelet he was wearing.

This bracelet contained the fire crystal. They had found it two moths back in Australia after a lot of goose chase. Now they were back in America trying to find the last crystal.

"Rora!Sam! COME HERE QUICK," they heard James's voice which sounded very much excited.

The two exchanged a confused look and ran inside. They found James in the attic, Dean and Ariana had also come there hearing his shout.

"What happened bro?" Dean asked rubbing his eyes.

He held out a ring and said,"Our wait is over guys, It's what we were looking for."

"This? But James, isn't it the wedding ring of your mother?"

"Yes, it is but it's diamond is the ice crystal, Rora. Look," he said and tapped the diamond a little hard and pop, it turned into a
Bow and a arrow

 Look," he said and tapped the diamond a little hard and pop, it turned into a Bow and a arrow

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(After shooting an arrow, other would appear automatically)

"Woah! But how did you find out it was a infinity crystal?" Ariana asked.

"I was missing mum so I came here in attic and was looking at her belongings but when I held her ring, I felt a strange aura, like I feel while using my ice powers,"He explained," But I don't know how mum's ring had this crystal . I mean she was an Earthian."

"Well, your father, Captain Harrison was from Celisto. Maybe he found it and gave it to your mum as wedding ring," said Sam.

"Maybe but guys let's concentrate on the main matter, we have all the crystals right here with us. I think we should combine them now," Dean said.

"But shouldn't we wait for the morning, I mean we are all worn out and-"Ariana said but was cut off by Aurora.

"No, Anna. Dean is right, maybe Henry will send his army before morning, we don't know anything for sure. And it will be beneficial for us if we attack them at such a unlikely time," Aurora said,"Okay guys bring your crystals here and I'll get the gauntlet."

They all went to their rooms and took out their crystals from their ornament. And Aurora also took the gauntlet which she had invented so that it could combine the powers of all crystals and transmit it to the wearer. After that they all met in the attic and put the crystals in the gauntlet.

When all the crystals were set into the gauntlet Aurora picked it up to wear it

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When all the crystals were set into the gauntlet Aurora picked it up to wear it.
She looked around at her friends, all of them were looking very nervous.

"You can do it, Rora" said Ariana.

"All the best," said Dean.

"We'll eat your favourite food after this is over," said James who was trying very hard not to weep.

Sam held her other hand and said,"Remember I'll always be by your side."

She took a deep breath and saying,"Here it goes," she wore it.

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