In the Forest

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(Aurora's POV)

"You will see," Matilda said as she snatched the lunar locket from me.

And then she pulled out an elemental sword, but it didn't look like hers. It was different from the usual swords and it had a large black ruby on its hilt. She put down the locket on the forest floor and pierced the crystal of locket with the sword.


There was a very loud sound and a blinding flash of light and Matilda has herself thrown sightly backwards.

When the light started to dim a bit, a man's dark figure appeared and seeing him all the Dark Commandos knelt down to their knees, except the ones who were holding me and Sam.

The man took a few steps forwards and now he could be seen properly.

He was a tall man, his skin had become a bit too pale and thin and his eyes were bloodshot.

I shivered a bit on seeing such a man.

"Finally," he whispered loudly.

Even his whisper was so cold and scary that everyone here flinched sightly.

"Welcome back, My lord,"Matilda said trying to sound bold but I'm sure that there was a hint of fear in her voice.

He turned to her and said bitterly ,"Ah! Sister, it's so lovely after...... how many years it has been?"

"Si-sixteen years, my lord,"she answered trembling.

"Yes, sixteen years. SIXTEEN YEARS! IT TOOK YOU ALL IDIOTS A BLOODY SIXTEEN YEARS TO SET ME FREE!" He shouted at them,"You all call yourselfs my followers but you couldn't steal a locket from a mere girl for SIXTEEN YEARS??"

"Woah look at that,"I said loudly with a bitter laugh,"Firstly you got defeated by King Garrick and now you are blaming your servants for your own faults, what kind of a dark lord are you?"

All faces turned towards me in disbelief.

Sam gave me a look which said 'have you hit your head or something?'

But I didn't care, for the man who was standing in front of me now, the one whom I should call my dad, was the reason of the problems so many people had faced, including me. It was because of him that I didn't have my mum and I was shouted upon by many people for just being his daughter.

There was a few seconds silence and then as soon as everyone came back to their senses Henry, my so called father came towards me and for a split of second a fatherly emotion flashed in his eyes but it vanished almost as soon as it had come and the same cold and scary expression covered him again.

"Correction,"He said,"Garrick didn't competently defeat me for I was prepared, I had decided years ago that I wasn't going to die like any other human. I was alive, alive but not in a human form."

"Wh-What do you mean?" I asked in a would be calm voice.

He started ,"About a year before your birth, I had done some experiments, some experiments which my friends thought were dangerous but only I knew that the risk was worth, and I became almost immortal, I became a cyborg."

Everyone's jaw dropped at the last part of his sentence except Matilda's who seemed to know this already.

Henry continued,"I became the first human to have cybernetic system in me. And would also have been the only one if it hadn't been for you."

"M-me? What's it gotta do w-with me?" I said, trembling sightly with fear.

He chuckled,"Haven't you ever wondered that how did you get your technopathy powers? It's because you are not a human."

"What! Of course I'm a human."

"No, your not. Atleast not completely. You have inherited my powers, you're a half human."

I gasped and then a sudden realization struck me.

"So it was you?" I asked him as I tried to control my tears," It was you who was getting into my mind and trying to control me?"

  "Well a kind of, yes.  You see when Garrick attacked me he managed to defeat my human body but my not my mind. I went to the system of my sword which I had built myself specially for the situation like that. Tilly knew that so she kept my sword safely but we needed a lot of energy to get me free. And the only way was to get the locket. So when my useless followers weren't able to do anything, I connected to your mind and tried to convince it to come to the forest but I must say that it was very much hard, you are as much resistant to obey others as Mia."

That was it. My mind was literally going to burst by the things which were happening and now him mentioning my mother by his venomous mouth was  the last straw.

"Don't..... you.....ever.....DARE TO SPEAK MY MUM'S NAME WITH YOUR BLOODY MOUTH AGAIN!" I shouted and once again my lightning power went out of control and a huge lightning bolt stricked just in the middle where we were standing and all of us were thrown backwards.

Fortunately by this me and Sam got free form their hold. We used this opportunity to escape. Sam grabbed my hand and we started running from there.

"Use your smoke bombs," Sam told me.

I took out a few smoke bombs out of my pocket from my other hand and threw it towards them.

At all went pitch black.

"Come on, here."he said in a low whisper as he dragged me behind some bushes.

"They would catch us here easily. We should run further."I whispered back as we hid ourselves behind the bushes.

"They won't, trust me."

I had no idea about what plan was in his mind but I had no other choice other than to believe him.

"Where are they?"

"They came somewhere over here."

"Find them quickly."

We heard several people's voices but then came Matilda's voice saying,"They won't be here still now. Let's go further."

After their footsteps died away I asked Sam surprised,"Why didn't they look for us here?"

"Because they thought that we are not that stupid to hide somewhere where they can find us easily," He answered chuckling,"And therefore my dad told me it's sometimes beneficial to hide in the stupidest places."

Then he turned serious and said," It's best if we hide here for sometime now. I'm sure some soldiers would we sent to find us. Henry and the Dark Commandos would soon return back to earth as they won't want to fight our army now without preparation."

I nodded and turned to other side as silent tears started to roll down my cheeks.

"Hey, we are okay now," Sam said softly as he saw my tears,"We are safe."

"S-safe?" I said while trying to not to sob,"Do you think that you are safe with me being here? Didn't you heard him. I can be controlled, I-I'm like a-a dangerous weapon. You know what, my old classmates weren't wrong at all, I was a freak, always a freak, infact I  was a freaking half-human!"

Then I just couldn't take it anymore, I broke down completely and started weeping.

"Shhh, it's alright," he tried to calm me down and gave me a warm side hug,"And don't worry, he can't control you, nobody can, you will find a way to resist it."

"H-how d-d-do you k-know?" I asked him between my sobs.

"I just know it," he said assuringly,"And you aren't a dangerous weapon, you're my life saver."

Today's events were more frightening than my any nightmare but I felt a strange comfort in Sam's arms.

After about what seemed like half an hour some footsteps came towards us.

"Prince Sam are you here?" called a familiar voice.

And to our huge relief it was Sir Frederick.


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