Stuck up

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(Author's POV)

"....she has a right to know about this, Garrick," David said being barely able to control his frustration.

"But she's still a child, the truth may traumatize her-"

"But hiding it may result still worse condition, well now if you aren't going tell her then I will."

"No, you can't!"

"Of course I can. I'm her uncle, who are you to stop me?"

Garrick sighed,"Sorry mate, I didn't want to say this but now you are leaving me with no other option ..." he stopped for a bit and then said,"As the King of Avalor I forbid you tell Aurora anything."

David frowned at him"Alright your majesty but you don't seem to have still learnt your lesson. Last time when you overused your authority I lost my sister and if this time anything happens to my niece then be prepared to face my unimaginable side."

Garrick tried to say something but then thought better of it.

The two exchanged a last warning look and then parted their ways unaware that they were being watched from behind a pillar.

"What was it all about?" Sam whisper asked Aurora.

"God knows, I just heard uncle telling your dad to be prepared." She replied.

"Maybe they were talking about the upcoming war?"

"Maybe, but I wish we had reached here earlier."

"Yeah, now let's go dad is coming here."

The two started going back from there but before they had got much further-

"Aurora, Sam what are you doing here?"Garrick asked from behind them.

The two froze on the spot turned back to him both thinking of a good excuse.

"We were-we were g-going to er-" Aurora started without any idea what to say.

Meanwhile Sam caught the site the music hall just a few steps away and got a idea.

"We were going to the music hall." He said hastily,"t-to practice the ball dance."

Garrick looked at him suspiciously, "Really champ? So does that mean that you two will go there together?"

"Wha-"Aurora started asking shoked but Sam pressed on her shoe to shut her up and instead he said," Y-yeah we are... b-but as friends."

Garrick didn't look much convinced but said,"Okay then, you may go."

They didn't need to be told twice and quickly got away from there.

Once they entered the music hall and Garrick was out of earshot, Aurora crossed her arms and rounded on Sam.

"Now what was that about?" She snapped at him.

"Hey, calm down first,"he said,"If hadn't said anything then dad would have found out that we were spying on him."

"But couldn't you have found another story?"

"Atleast I thought of something unlike you who had no idea of what to say next."

"But what's the point. Now we are stuck."

There was a silence then

"I don't think it's that bad," Sam said,"I mean we can really go there as friends. Can't we?"

Aurora sighed,"I'm not saying that it's bad either but what do you think people will say when they will see their prince with the dark-lord's daughter even if they are just friends?"

Sam got shocked by this,"So do you still care about what the people say about you? Oh come on Aurora, you can't change anyone's mentality. It's their fault if they prejudice anyone just on the basis of birth."

Aurora looked down,"I guess you are right."

"I always am," he joked to lighten the mood,"Now let's start practicing or else dad will get suspicious."

She nodded and then they started practicing....

The two had fun during the dance but just as it ended Aurora again started having a headache and she ran to her room while Sam worriedly watched her going as her headaches were growing more often day by day.


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