The Spencer Tiara

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(Aurora's POV)

I and Sam broke the kiss after what felt like ...forever. We were both looking very red.

We both stared at each other for a moment and then I started to speak,"Sam I-" but Sam had also started to speak at the same time,"Rora, I-"

"You speak first-"

"You speak first-"

We spoke again simultaneously and then started to laugh our our heart out.

After about one minute when we stopped then he said,"Aurora, I'm really sorry for how I acted when we had met. I don't think that I deserve your forgiveness but even after my rude behaviour you gave me a chance to be your friend. This kindness of yours is very rare. You're beautiful inside and out, and I have fallen for your this beauty, I don't know when and how it happened but I have fallen for you Rora. I really really love you Aurora."

My eyes filled with tears of happiness after listening to him.

I hugged him tightly and said,"I love you too."

Time skip

Three months have since Sam and I confessed to each other and we're a couple now, however we've not gone out on any date as our first priority is to find the crystals and bring an end to this bloody war.
He also told me about his dad's death so now I'm even more impatient to give my so called dad a lesson.

Yesterday Ariana made a shocking discovery. She had been checking the history of the royal family of Britain and she saw in a picture, my mother with Lady Diana Spencer, the Princess of Wales( not that annoying Diana Smith from Celisto). It turns out that my mother became a friend of Princess Diana when she visited Earth. So we further researched about her and found that-

"One of the crystals is in the Spencer tiara," Amber announced to the guys.
Princess Diana and the Spencer tiara

Princess Diana and the Spencer tiara

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"The What?" Dean and Sam asked confused.

"Oh I know, it's the tiara that Princess Diana wore on her wedding to prince Charles, well he's now the King,"James told them.

"You actually remember that?" I asked James raising my eyebrows.

"How can I forget? You were earlier very much obsessed with the royal family and kept on kept talking about them for hours," he replied.

"But are you sure that the crystal is there," Dean asked.

"Positive," I said,"the tiara has some special properties whose existence can't be explained without the crystal. To the people here the tiara is very mysterious."

"Okay then, but how can we get the tiara then, there must be a lot of protection around it," said Sam.

"Well, tomorrow there is going to be wedding of a niece of Princess Diana and since she is going wear the tiara then," said Ariana.

"Wait are you saying that we will have to steal it in the middle of the wedding on top of the bride's head!" Dean exclaimed.

"There's no other way Dean, and it's not impossible," I said," We will just need to create a huge chaos."

"And how are you exactly planning to do that? Murdering Camilla?" James asked crossing his arms.

"Well maybe," I replied rubbing the back of my neck but when he raised his eyebrows then I added,"Alright, alright, I won't murder that old hag but will attack her in the most harmless but very dramatic way."

"Wait, who's Camilla now?" Sam asked.

"She's Charles 2nd wife, and Rora hates her as she thinks that-"

"She stole Charles from Diana and I don't just think so, I know so, it is a solid fact." I stated as James rolled his eyes.

It may seem nonsense to him but I just can't tolerate that Camilla the Chameleon.

"Anyways, now let's plan our strategy to crash a wedding." I said.

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