A Friend

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Off stroy:-
Sofia1KH gave me a nice idea for this chapter.

(Aurora's POV)

"Please tell me that you are just kidding."Victoria said when I finished telling about my little adventure in the forest.

"I wish I could say that," I replied weakly.

After Sir Frederick and the rest of the soldiers had found me and Sam, we were safely taken back to the palace. Then we told king Garrick about what had happened, and then he sent us back to our rooms at once and told us to just rest without telling us what's going happen (Well I can't blame him, after all he has got a darklord to save a world from again, so he obviously won't have time for us kids) . So now I was sitting on my bed telling the whole tale to Vic and James. Vic was sitting on her own bed and James was sitting on a chair. Sam was also here standing against a wall.

Well I didn't tell Vic and James  the whole tale as I didn't tell them the part about me being a half human as I was still uncomfortable by this fact.

I mean who won't be if he or she were in my place.

"What do you think would happen now?" I asked after a dead silence.

"Er- I'm not sure but it's definitely final that there will be war sooner or later,"James answered awkwardly.

Sam nodded,"Yes, once Henry gathers all of his army back and gets prepared he would try to fight my dad. And I also overheard dad saying to Sir Frederick that they are also going to prepare and wait for the attack."

"Why is your dad waiting for them to start? Won't it be more beneficial if we attack them first?" James asked him.

"No we can't,"Sam shook his head,"Henry is hiding somewhere on earth and we can't send our armies there to search for them or attack them cause it would expose the Celisto civilization to the Earth people. So we have got no other option rather than to wait."

"And all of this had to happen when Christmas is coming,"I said sighing.

"Speaking of Christmas, what's happening to the ball?" James asked," I mean with the Dark Lord back and all, would it happen?"

"Yes, dad said that he isn't going to cancel it,"Vic replied,"he said that he wants to keep things as normal as possible for civilians as it would prevent the panic."

Suddenly I felt a pang of pain again in my head.

"Aargh!" I groaned and everyone looked at me concerned.

"What happened?" they all asked.

"N-nothing, I think that I'm just having a headache from all this stress," I half lied but Sam's eyes widened worriedly when he heard 'headache' as he knew what it meant. Fortunately he didn't say anything in front of James and Vic.

"Oh then you should rest," James said getting up,"We will go now."

I nodded with a weak smile and he left the room followed by Sam.

I slumped down on my bed closed my eyes and tried to ignore the pain burning in my head as I knew that it could be the outer influence on my mind.

I heard Vic closing the lights and then maybe went to sleep too.

One week later

So....1 week has passed from er- my worst day in my life till now and things have taken a very different turn. For starters my security has been tightened so much that I can't even go to school now till the things sort out as I'm still the target of the Dark Commandos for God knows what reason (well one good thing in it is that if I went to school after my dad's return then I would have to endure endless whisperings and rumors about me), then on top of that the constant headache which makes my mind almost burst and the fear of being controlled.

Well I have avoided that, as whenever there is pain in my head I stop doing whatever I'm doing so I don't follow the strange voice in my head by mistake but with time it's becoming more and more difficult to resist it.
"You look exhausted." Someone said and I looked up from my book to see Sam.

"Do I?" I asked nonchalantly going back to my book.

It was another evening and I was sitting  in the palace library.

"Yes you do,"he replied crossing his arms,"And I'm serious."

"Oh no, and I thought that you were severus," I said scarsaticly.

"What?"he asked blank faced.

Then I realized that he hadn't read those novels.

"Never mind, it was a joke related to a novel on earth," I said.

He rolled his eyes at my actions and said again,"You are really looking exhausted."

"If you were in my place, being tortured  mentally and being insulted by your classmates for no reason at all then how would you have looked?" I shouted at him really irritated, I know that I shouldn't have shouted but these days my temper was always colse to the surface.

"I know that," he said calmly,"But what I mean is that you are taking it all on your own, you need your friends....you need to tell them the whole truth."

There was a complete silence as I stared at him in shock, then I snapped ,"Have you gone mad or what? I can't tell them."

But as I said so a small spark of electricity came out from by sword which I now carried everywhere for security and it hit the book in my hand. The book caught fire cause of that but Sam quickly extinguished it as he controlled fire.

I suddenly felt embarrassed.

"T-thanks," I said with with a nervous smile.

He nodded curtly,"See what I mean, you are taking the whole burden on yourself and it's getting out of your control."

"Yes but what if I tell them and they think me as dangerous and what if they-" I blutered it out very fast but then he cut me off

  "Hey,hey,hey calm down at first,"he said ,"If you don't want then let it be, just don't go on increasing your stress."

"I know, but you were right actually," I admitted,"I'll think about it."

And then something clicked in my mind which made me laugh.

"What's funny?" He asked me puzzled.

"It's just... you know isn't it ironic that.. I told you my those secrets which I haven't even told my friends and that too when we were kind of, you know...enemies?"

"That's true," he chuckled and then he added,"But wait so we aren't enemies now?"

"Ummm well we can be friends now," I said and then quickly added,"only if you want to."

"Sure," he said holding out his hand.

I smiled and shook his hands but then he smirked and pointed me to look at my hand.

Oh my! This prince is dead for sure now. I thought cause my hand was full of ink.

"You jerk!" I shouted.

"See you, miss bossy,"He said getting up and started running away with me chasing after him and both of us laughing.

Today I had laughed for the first time in this week.

I knew that a dark cloud was hovering over my future but today I was happy, happy that I had got a new friend in this troubled time.


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