Night Talk

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(Author's POV)

"Please Rora, tell us fastly what was so urgent that you had to wake us at this time," Ariana said impatiently as she was frustrated from the interruption in her beauty sleep.
Actually Aurora had decided that all them owed the truth as they all were risking their lives so she thought that it was better to tell them all together.
All of them were now sitting around table and everyone was looking tensed except of our Anna who was frustrated as stated above.
Aurora looked down at her shoes and took a deep breath and said,"I'm a cyborg."

"Cy- what?"James and Ariana asked confused but Dean on the other hand gave a loud gasp and fell down from his chair with a loud thud.

Sam gave Aurora a 'well atleast it wasn't as bad as you thought' look and went to help Dean stand up.

"Hello! Is anyone going to explain me what's going on here?" Ariana asked again.

"I'm a cyborg Anna, in other words I have got some robotic powers and characters," Aurora explained.

"B-b-but h-how?" James asked.

"Well..." then she told them about the part of forest incident which she had avoided days ago. When she was finished she slowly looked at their faces ; Ariana was sitting still with her mouth open, Dean was continously shaking his head sightly as if still trying to digest this unexpected piece of information and James, well James' expression was unreadable. After about three minutes of total silence he spoke up.

"Why? Why didn't you tell me Aurora?" He only called her by her full name when he was extremely angry at her,"All the time you were going through all this and you didn't even let us know! Don't you trust us?"

"James calm down,"Sam said," It wasn't her fault, she was already going through a lot, one cannot decide everything rightly in such a situation."

James sighed,"Yeah, I guess I'd explode if it was me."

"Well look on the bright side, you can use your abilities to find the infinity crystals." Ariana said to lighten the atmosphere.

"I guess that's true Ariana but there's still one problem," Aurora told her.

"What problem?" The other four asked simultaneously.

"Er- you see, there's a kind of connection between my and the dark Lord's mind and though we know that he's not able to control me till now... he may if we destroy his body."

"What do you mean?" Sam asked.

"I mean even if we find the crystals and kill him, it may happen that only his body will be destroyed and his mind will come into mine and then he will...gain full control on me. And then in that case to fully defeat him you will have to kill me." She told them the truth which she had realised a few days ago and it was eating her from inside.

The impact of her last two words had a very much remarkable effect on the others. Ariana shrieked loudly, Dean fell down again, James shouted 'NO' and Sam, he sat frozen for a moment and then started chuckling bitterly.

All eyes turned to him.

"Honestly Aurora, I never knew that you were so stupid. Did you cheat in the exams?"

"Sam what are you-"

"What are you saying Rora , you want us to kill you? How could you possibly think that we'll be able to do that?" He snapped at her.

"Sam, look I also don't wanna die but if and only if the situation comes where I will be a threat to many lives then there won't be any other option." She tried to reason with him.

"We won't let that situation come Rora, we will remind you who you are, Henry won't be able to control you, right guys?" Ariana said.

The boys nodded.

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