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Off stroy:-
Hey guys, VXL_Galaxtia suggested me some nice ideas which I have used in this chapter.
Back to the story:-

(Author's POV)

"No we don't want to tell you." said Dean and with no other option left Xavier finally went away.

"Why did you do that!" Ariana asked Des,"He is our friend."

"I think Dean did right," Sam said,"Xavier's tone seemed suspicious."

Ariana opened her mouth to protest but then Aurora cut in,"I hate to admit it but I agree, he was really suspicious now."

Ariana sighed in defeat,"Ok leave it. But what are we gonna do about this map and Alfonso?"

"You know what, Alfonso died a few centuries ago so I think that the only reason that they kept his information must be related to his stories only," Dean stated,"I mean it's not as if they would have known him personally."

"Yeah but he wrote a lot of stories, how do we know the exact story?"Aurora questioned.

"I have already told that, we have to go back to earth to find out," Sam said.

"No!" The other three shouted at the same time.

"Are you insane??"

"Black Commandos will capture us!"

"We aren't going there."

Sam just rolled his eyes at their reactions,"Fine, so if you three find a better way then please inform me."

Then he got up and went out for some fresh air.

(Sam's POV)

They all are just being overcautious! I thought as I walked in the corridors.

Suddenly I heard,"Hey Sammy bear!"

I groaned and turned around.

"What do you want Diana?" I asked coldly.

Yeah I know you are thinking that why am I talking to my girlfriend like that. She had crossed her limits today. I always knew that she wasn't very sweet and kind hearted girl but I didn't know that she could be so cruel to insult anyone's dead mother.

She flinched by my tone and asked,"What's the matter Sammy bear?"

Alright I couldn't take it anymore.

"DON'T YOU EVER DARE TO CALL ME THAT AGAIN," I shouted,"And no I'm not going to fall for your fake tears this time." I added as she started weeping.

"What's wrong with you?" She snapped at me when she saw that her drama would no longer help her.

"What's wrong with me!! I trusted you over my friends, over my own sister but I guess that Vic was right about you after all, you are the mean one not my friends."

"How can you say that? Are you trusting Carter's word that I insulted her? Are you possibly believing the one whose father is the Dark Lord? She tried to kill me"

"Oh really?" I chuckled,"She saved me back on Earth when I was a total stranger!"

Diana opened her mouth but apparently she didn't know what to say so she closed it again.

"I think that we are done." I simply said and left with her shouting after me.

(Time skip)

(Aurora's POV)

We were back in the palace and I and James were playing chess in his room when there was a knock on the door.

A servant came in, he turned towards me and said,"Miss.Carter, the King wants to talk to you in his office."

I and James exchanged confused glances and then I nodded and said," Alright I'm coming there."

The servant left the room.

"Why does he want to talk to me?" I asked James.

"I donno, maybe about today's er- incident."

"Yeah maybe."

I started going to his office and fear started filling in my mind again. Will I get punished for almost killing Diana by accident??

I know that King Garrick is very much just and doesn't punish anyone without reason but still today's incident was very much traumatic.

With shaking hands, I knocked on his door.

"Come in," he said in a calm voice.

I opened the door and went in.

He guestered me to sit down on a chair.

When I sat down he said,"Your headmistress informed me what happened today at your sports period."

"It was an accident," I said before I could stop myself.

"I know that, but by this you must have become aware how dangerous your powers can be."

"Yes, King Garrick."

"But at the same time they can be very much useful but only if you have complete control over them."

"But how?"

"You need two things, firstly focus. If you are distracted by something or someone or even by your emotions then it can be a total disaster, you need to think as your body and mind a single thing and then work. And secondly you need to have some confidence in you."

"I-I will try," I replied weakly.

"Don't worry you will get hang of it, it took sometime to learn for me too." He assured me,"You can go now."

I got up and quickly left his office highly relieved that I was worried for no reason again. I went straight to my room (technically Vic's too) as I just wanted to rest now.

When I came inside my room I saw that many gowns were lying on Vic's bed and she was looking at them.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"I'm just choosing which gown to wear at this Christmas Ball." She replied as she picked up a light pink one.

"Christmas Ball?"

"Yep! Every Christmas there a grand ball is organized in the palace and almost all the citizens of Avalor come here."

"Sounds cool!"I said.

"It does but there's always a problem with this ball."

"What's that?"

"A lot of idiot boys starts asking us to be their dates."

Oh great

Just great


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