The History of Celisto

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(Author's POV)

And after a few minutes of zooming round and round and round in the portal our trio landed on a dusty floor.
Sam got up first and went to a basin in the corner of the room to wash his face. Aurora and James also got up a moment later. They saw that they were in a white room which was looking grey because of dust. There were many flasks and other chemical apparatus there and it seemed that they were in a very old and unused lab.

"Where are we?" Aurora asked Sam when he came back to them.

"We are on Celisto now,"he replied.

"I meant that what's this place?"

"Oh, it's the club house or in other words the old lab of our parents."

"Your parents used to be friends?" James asked.

Sam's eyes suddenly become cold and he answered in a bitter voice," Well, they were before her daddy betrayed them."
He shot her a death glare and she gulped.

James tried to change the subject and asked," So what do we do now?"

"We just have to wait here. The
lightning force i.e. the special commandos would have found out about the portal by now and they will soon find us and would safley drop us to my dad,"he told them and slumped down on an armchair.
James and Aurora also sat down on a stool and a table respectively.

"Now I think that I owe you an explanation," he spoke after a few seconds of silence. They both nodded at him.

"So have you guys ever heard about The Great Flood?" he asked them.

"You mean the mythical legend in which God had flooded the whole earth?" said James.

"Yes, but it wasn't mythical. Long ago the earth was very much advanced in technology but one day an enormous asteroid crashed with it. It caused The Great Flood and the destruction of the Earth but most of the humans left the planet. They reached this planet, Celisto and settled here. They also kept watch on what was happening on the earth. So our culture and here remained the same as earth humans but we are more advanced than them and most of the countries including this, Avalor is ruled by monarchy."

"Are you calling monarchy a advanced government?" asked Aurora in disbelief.
"The people here like monarchy better because they think that democracy on the earth is the cause of cruption there. (PLEASE NOTE THAT I AM NOT AGAINST DEMOCRACY, IT'S JUST IMPORTANT FOR THE STORY) And after all the monarchy here is different from that in your planet. The ruler's position isn't hereditary. An elected council of ministers and the present ruler vote and decide the next crown prince or princess. So anyways when your maternal grandfather was the king the-"

"My grandfather was a KING?" She cut him off.

"Yes, and don't interrupt me again"


"So as I was saying that when your maternal grandfather was the king, your parents Henry and Mia Carter, your maternal uncle David Romero and my parents Garrick and Natasha Wilson were good friends or at least my parents thought so. They were all interested in science and liked to do experiments and new discoveries in this lab. When they were working on the lost spectrum-"

"The What?" asked James, unable to control himself.

Sam rolled his eyes before answering him," I don't exactly know about it, dad just told me that there a rift formed between him and Mr.Carter when they were working on it because they were not approved of each other's ideas or something. When the time came to select the new king, the council found that they were unable to choose between my dad, Mr.Carter and Mr.Romero so it was up to the king. Everyone thought that he would choose his son David but instead he chose my dad and that widened the rift between him and Mr.Carter. Years passed and they saw less of each other but one morning your mother came to the palace with you," he said pointing at Aurora."She warned my parents that your dad had collected a large army called the Dark Commandos which called him their Dark Lord, and was going to rebel to seize the power and the information of one of the projects on which they had worked years earlier. My dad prepared his army for the attack but the warning wasn't much useful as your father attacked the capital the very evening" Now his voice started to grow bitter,"many people lost their life. Many of my friends became orphan. My mother went to the war despite being forbade by my dad. And your flithy father killed her. I NEVER KNEW MY MUM CAUSE OF YOUR DAMN DAD." He shouted at her while she not able to hold back her tears.

James went to her put a comforting brotherly arm on her shoulder. Sam took some deep breaths to calm down his anger. Somehow the sight of her crying was making him uncomfortable.

"Your mum was really ill at the time of the war. She told Commader Warren to take you to the earth by the Lunar locket for some unknown reason. He obeyed her but in the journey he was attacked by your Aunt Matilda but he somehow made it to the earth. And he was your Dad," he pointed to James.

"What my dad was Mr.Harrison not Mr. Warr-"

"That was his code name. He used to be an agent in the Lightening Commandos and took control over the earth. There he married your mom and had you but he left two years after that back to Celisto. When he went back to earth again with Aurora he went back to your mom. So in Celisto my dad somehow disappeared Mr.Carter but couldn't kill him. The surviving members of the Dark Commandos fled to other countries and when they were searched for, it was found that they had also went to the earth. My dad thought that contacting Commader Warren again wasn't safe for you two because then the Dark Commandos could find out your location. I think that's all."

"What were the Dark Commandos doing on the earth?" Aurora asked in a low voice still startled by his outburst.

"Well my dad thinks that they are looking for you," he answered looking everywhere but at her.

"But why?,"

" I donno, maybe for the same reason for which your mother sent you to earth."

Suddenly the door banged open and all of them jumped from their seats.

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