Chapter 36: Wake Up

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Chapter 36:

A high-pitched buzz fills the room, giving me a headache. I slowly open my eyes to see brightness, as my eyes adjust I see a white room, pieces of metal hanging from an opening in the wall. It comes back to me and I remember the fall. Slowly, I sit up, taking in my surroundings. My head aches and the buzz gets louder. There's dust in the air, pieces of metal cover the ground, Luke, Hunter, and Talon are still out. I look over at Talon to see he's not moving, neither are Luke or Hunter. I panic and rush over to him, half standing, half crawling over the rubble.

"Talon," I say, shaking him awake. "Talon, c'mon." I feel a lump in the back of my throat, my eyesight starts to blur. "Talon, please." my voice starts to crack.

I crawl over to Hunter. "H-Hunter?" I choke out. "Please, someone, wake up."

I go over to Luke, praying for the best. I can barely get out his name before I feel a tear fall down my cheek.

"Talon." I go over to him again. "Hey, Talon, please." I cry. "Wake up, please, wake." I pause. "Wake up."

I put my head on his chest and lay there, hoping, praying for a miracle.

Then I hear a cough, it's weak, but it's something.

"Talon," I choke out. "Hey, hey, Talon."

He coughs again and his eyes flutter open. "Kamela?"

I don't even respond, just hug him.

"Woah," he says, hugging me back. "you okay?"

"Now I am."

He pulls away from the hug and looks up at me. "Were you crying?"

I quickly wipe away my tears with my sleeve. "A little. You guys all looked dead."

"All of us?" He asks, then quick looks over to Luke and Hunter. "What on earth?" He mumbles, getting up to go over to them.

"Hey, guys, c'mon." he says, "get up. C'mon!" I can tell in his voice that he's about to cry too. "C'mon!" He yells. "Get up! Luke, you're stronger than this! Hunter! Get up!"

"Talon." I say, but he doesn't hear me.

He feels their pulse. "They're alive, breathing."

"They just gotta wake up." I whisper. "Just wait it out." I say louder.

Before Talon can say anything the door bursts open, three people dressed from head to toe in black, carrying huge guns.

"Hands up!" One yells, all three of them pointing their guns at us.

Talon and I both shuffle to the other side of the room.

"I said hands up!" He angrily shouts.

"Just let us stand up." Talon says.

He motions his gun up, telling us it's okay.

We both slowly stand up, Talon helping me up.

"Follow us and we won't shoot."

"Where are-"

"No questions!" The man cuts Talon off.

We walk forward, Talon keeping me close to the wall. "Run when you can okay?" He whispers to me.

I nod, looking into his eyes, wondering if it'll be the last time I'll see them.

We're almost to the people, when Talon quickly pushes me to the wall, grabs a piece of metal and hits the man as hard as he can. I keep my footing as the man stumbles backwards. In an instant all guns are pointed at Talon.

"Run, Kamela! Run!" He yells.

I don't. I go for the fallen man's gun. He's weak, it doesn't take much for me to grab the gun. I throw it to Talon right away, the moment I release the gun I hear a bang and feel a warm ache in my thigh. I yell out in pain, falling to the ground. The guns are on me now. Talon shoots the gun and they both fall to the ground.

"Talon." I say, wincing. "Nice shot."

He smiles, then it fades. "I only shot one."

"I got the other." a voice says.

I turn around and look up, its coming from the hole in the wall. It's the girl.
So that's why I didn't see her, she never fell. I don't question how she got a gun, considering she just saved our lives.

In one swift movement she grabs onto a piece of hanging metal, swings down, and lands on her feet. She starts to walk over to us, but stops once she looks down.
Luke and Hunter are still laying on the floor, unconscious.
She bends down by Luke and checks his pulse and breathing. His chest moves slightly with the few breaths he takes.

"L-Luke?" she whispers, listening to his heart again. A single tear runs down her face, but she quickly wipes it away. "We, we uh, need to get him to a doctor." she stutters, but even after she collects herself, I've never heard a voice that sad. "Now." she pauses, looking down at them. "Or they'll die."

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