Chapter 39: Answers

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Chapter 39:

I panic, standing up, then fumbling backwards as I try to back away from
the door.

"Luke!" I yell, seeing that he's only moved a bit to see the two men and the woman who have just rushed into the room.

One of the men helps Luke to his feet, Luke leans on him for support and then looks over at me.

"Kamela," he winces, shifting his weight. "They're the good guys. It's okay."

The women walks over to me calmly. "Sorry to startle you. We have to move fast."

She reaches out her hand and helps me up. I trust Luke and we follow them out of the room and down the hallway.

They're wearing what look to be some sort of guard uniform, but a bit more casual.
Black pants and boots, greyish shirts and black jackets. They wear what looks to be a type of badge or nametag on their chest, but I can't quite make it out as we're running, well, more like jogging considering our conditions. In their belt are many gadgets, and what I assume to be weapons. I only recognize the guns that the two men have in their hands and the women has on her belt.

We move quickly, passing hallways I've never seen and people running by wearing similar outfits to the people we're with.

"We all work here." The woman tells me, noticing that I'm looking at everyone we pass. "They're all looking around the building right now for either the Capitol guards or survivors like you."

We take a sharp turn left and head up a staircase, going as fast as we can up about five or six flights of stairs before we run down another hallway, leading us to an open elevator with another man waiting inside.

They rush us in and I move closer to Luke, wanting to stay with him, because I know for sure that I trust him.

The elevator doors close and we're taken up at least a dozen floors. We get out and I realize we're on the roof.
A helicopter waits for us a few feet ahead. The wind is strong up here, my hair and clothes blowing frantically.

Luke yells something, but I can't make it out. Next thing I know, we're going into the helicopter.
I'm handed a headset and see that Luke is putting his on. I do the same.

"You look nervous." he says through the headset.

As we take off I look over the side. We're much higher in the air than I would like.

Luke laughs. "Not a fan of heights?"

"Not like this." I say.

"It's okay. This is only a short ride." the women assures me.

After I get a little more comfortable with the height, I realize that we're not with the others.

"Where's Talon?" I ask. "Or Hunter, or--"

"We'll be meeting them soon." The women answers.

My worries are relieved a bit, but still there.

Luke, noticing my nervousness tries to calm me down. "You're okay, you're safe."

Safe. I'm safe. It's this word again that brings me back.

I nod in response to Luke.

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