Chapter 26: The Weeks Before

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Chapter 26:

The games are in three days. Cronin has finally allowed me to train for the games. I've trained as much as possible to make up for the weeks I wasn't able to. I need as much help as I can get.

The training has helped me, I have learned some skills such as creating a shelter and finding food in five different climates. I've also learned to use three new weapons. Sometimes I sneak out into the training room sometimes after everyone has finished training. I really shouldn't, especially because we aren't allowed to see the other tributes. I've caught a glimpse of one girl. She was small with long, black hair. I didn't see her face though.

Most of the time Cronin and Ariel are MIA. At first I was always curious and concerned about what they were doing or where they were, but now it's happened so much, I don't even notice sometimes.

I've honestly grown used to the idea of going into the games soon. I'm not as scared as I was before.

Training today was cut short. I had a lot free time between meals, most of the time I watched previous Hunger Games and explored the penthouse I was living in. I was amazed by all the fancy Capitol gadgets, how they work, what they are able to do. It's very different from my district.

Every time I think about my district I don't think of my family as most people might think, I can only think if Talon. The day he helped me at his house, the smell of the blueberry pancakes that filled his house, the sunsets that we watched together in the fields. It hurts to think that I might never see him again. He will be able to see me though, on TV in front of everyone while I'm fighting for my life.

I wipe a tear away and focus on watching the previous games. I have to remind myself to stay strong, especially in front of the cameras.

I hear a door open and look behind me. Cronin comes in with Ariel.

"No! There is no way that she needs to know this" Ariel whispers to Cronin.

"She's going to find out anyways." Cronin whispers a little louder than Ariel. "Why not now?"

"Because--" Ariel stops and looks over at me. "How are you today, Kamela?"

"Fine." I say. "Who doesn't need to know what?" I ask

"What?" Ariel responds.

Cronin walks over and sits on the chair beside me. "Nothing big, just part of the New Games. There are some bugs that they haven't fixed yet." He pauses. "It's complicated."

I just nod. "Umm, so uh, any news about the games at all?"

"Well, back in the districts they are finding out who the competitors are in the games." Ariel says. "They are viewing your private interviews and some of your training sessions."

"How did they--?" Cronin cuts me off.

"They were filming some of your training sessions." He says. "They are trying new things out for these games, some of these things make no sense, but you can't really argue with them."

I don't say anything.

"Well, um." Ariel looks around the room. "Oh, great, it looks like dinner's ready!"

We all walk over to the table and are served dinner. I eat steak and potatoes, with other Capitol concoctions.

I don't really talk during the meal, even though I rarely get a chance to speak to Ariel and Cronin now, especially both of them at the same time. I just can't stop thinking about Talon.

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