Chapter 14: The New Games

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Chapter 14:

The screen goes black. The mayor steps up to the microphone and waits before speaking. I let it sink in. The Hunger Games are back. I'm not safe. Wait! I might be safe! If it's a 'New Beginning' there are probably new rules. I might not be eligible to be reaped!

The mayor then starts to speak.

"As you have heard, the Hunger Games will start to take place again."

A murmur over the crowd is starting to get louder.

"Hush now, please stay quiet until I am finished."

The crowd silences.

"Thank you. Now as you know, the Hunger Games had rules. Some rules have been changed, some rules are non-existent anymore, we also have added some new rules."

The crowd murmurs again, but silences soon after.

"I know, this is a shock to all of you. But I'll go over the rules and changes now."

He starts with telling us that each district is still going to be treated the same, no one would be starving. That is the negotiation the Capitol has with the districts.

Peacekeepers are to be on full watch over the district 24/7. No one in district 12 is aloud past the electric fence, which will be on 24/7.

Then he goes over the rules. They are as follows:

You must be respectful of the Peacekeepers. Treat the districts and Capitol with kindness and respect.

Then he tells us the rules of the New Hunger Games:

Ages 12-18 are eligible.

They choose the names privately, and contact you the day of the reaping. They try to keep this as secret as possible, they want the tributes to be surprised.

No tesserae.

No volunteering.

You don't know who you're up against until you are in the arena. If you are chosen only 4 people of your family can know, if they tell anyone else they will face punishment.

Two people are reaped from each district. They can be both girls, both boys, or one girl and one boy. Which means there could possibly be an arena with just girls or just boys or one boy and the rest girls and so on.

The tributes will find out who is in the arena the first night of the Games, the names, faces, and district will be projected into the sky, along with the information telling if they lived or died.

There are still cannons signaling deaths, still one cornucopia, and still parachutes.

There is no tribute parade, no interviews, no group training.

There is individual training, for 7 days. 3 training sessions out of the 7 will be shown to people willing to sponsor. The rest of Panem will see the training after the bloodbath.

The tributes will have 11 days in the Capitol for training and evaluating before the games.

Sponsors may request an interview with a tribute. They may also see the tributes before they go into the arena.

It sounds complicated at first but then I understand. The mayor continues to speak.

"The first reaping will be held one week from today. Everyone is required to attend unless notified. If anyone has any questions, please contact a district official. Thank you. You are dismissed."

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