Chapter 18: District 12 Tribute

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Chapter 18:

"Hello!" Ariel says in her Capitol accent. "May I come in please?"

"Um..yes. Please, come in." My mother says.

Ariel walks in along with two peacekeepers. The peacekeepers stay by the door.

Ariel comes into our living room and mom follows behind her.

"Have a seat anywhere." Mom says.

Ariel sits down in a chair across from Miya.

"Now, I have a very exciting announcement for you." Ariel says. "Three of you were eligible to compete in the Hunger Games! That is a huge honor!"

'Not exactly' I think.

"I would personally like to inform you," she continues. "That one of you have received the honor of representing district 12 in the 1st annual New Games!"

My mother practically falls apart at this point. My father is staying strong, for us, for mom. My palms start to sweat and I rub them on my skirt. I've never been so scared, or nervous, in my entire life. Either Miya or Malik, or I am going into the arena. I really hope it's either me or Miya, I don't want us to go in the arena either, but at least we'll have a chance. Malik would, but he needs more time. I don't want him to die. I don't want Miya to die. I don't want to die.

"Oh dear," Ariel says to my mother. "Please don't be sad. Think of it as an honor rather than a punishment. Because it is a great honor."

I don't remember an escort being polite and caring. Ariel's different.

"I'm so sorry if this upsets you. I know people take this in different ways. But you need to look on the bright side of things! Okay?" Ariel taps my mother on the shoulder. My mother nods, wiping the tears away from her face.

"Alrighty then! Sorry to keep you all in suspense." She exclaims. "One of the district 12 tributes competing in the 1st annual New Games is.....!"

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