The New Games

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The New Games:

A Hunger Games Story

My name is Kamela. I am 15 years old. I have wavy-straight, long, blonde-brown hair. I have blue eyes, the same color as my mother's. I live in Panem, in District 12. I have a sister and two brothers. I live with my mom, dad, older sister Miya, and younger brother Malik. My older brother has a family of his own now, a wife and two kids.

About 50 years ago, there were games. Games of fighting and death, also know as the Hunger Games. There was a rebellion and the 75th Hunger Games was the last of the Games. Panem now, is a lot different than Panem 50 years ago. There are still the 12 districts, district 13 is no longer a district, it's just land that the Capitol owns. Each district still supplies the needed materials and food to each district, and the Capitol, but the Capitol has changed. The Capitol doesn't favor a district more than another. Each district is supplied with what they need, based on how many people are in each district. In that way, district 12 has changed a lot. No one is starving, everyone has a home, good clothing and meals. Although some families are wealthier than others.

We have changed presidents many times, people in the Capitol choose the president. Some may think it's unfair, but the mayors from each district get to choose too.

Our president right now is President Calin. He was just recently elected.

I have heard Hunger Games stories in the past, how some districts would train for the Games their entire life. Nobody trains anymore, there is no need to. There are no more games.

I hear about the victors of the Hunger Games. Katniss and Peeta from district 12, Finnick from district 4. Finnick died during the rebellion, and Katniss and Peeta have been living in the Victors Village with their family for years. They have grand kids now, who I see now and then.

I know my grandmother had to deal with the Games, she was never reaped, but she had to deal with the fear of getting reaped or a family member or friend. I can't imagine what it would be like. I ask her about it, but she doesn't tell me very much. Ever since my grandfather died, I never asked her anything about the Games again.

The districts haven't heard anything from the Capitol since the election. It's weird, normally we get updates every week. I have a feeling something isn't right.

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