Chapter 33: Questions

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Chapter 33

"Are you sure?" I hear a faint voice.

"She'll be fine" another voice says.

"Do you have a plan?"

"District 7."

I hear other bits and pieces from conversations, but I can't make out much.

I wake up and my vision is so blurry I can barely make out shapes of things around me.

"Guys, hey!" A voice says. "I think she's waking up."

"Hey, hey, hey." A familiar voice, different from the first, says calmly. "Don't try to get up yet, you're still in pretty bad shape."

I try to speak but no words come out.

"You're fine." the voice says again.

"Wha--" I make out. "What?" I can't complete my thought. I try sitting up.

"Shh. Just go back to sleep." he says, gently pushing me back down.

My vision is still blurry, but it's slowly coming back. I make out three people, what looks like two boys and a girl.

"Who--" I try to say. "Who are-?" Just the simplest words leave me breathless.

"Hey." That voice, it's so familiar, why can't I figure it out? "Everything's gonna be okay. I know you have a lot of questions, we'll answer them soon. You just need to rest okay?"

Everything hits me at once and I feel tears stream down my face.

"Hey, hey." the voice comforts me. "You're okay, you're safe."

It's that word that triggers something. Safe. I'm safe. But safe from what?
Then I remember. The Games, my family, the fall, Talon.

My vision clears and through the tears I see him. Talon. I gain a bit of happiness and I try to smile.

"Talon." I breathe

"Hi Kamela." he smiles.

Then I see behind him. The boy and the girl are the ones from the arena. There's a bright white light, a small room, I'm not in the arena anymore.
I panic, trying to get up, moving, fighting, doing anything I can to get away.

"Hey! Hey, Kamela!" Talon says, trying to hold me down. "Calm down! You're okay!"

"It's the--!" I try to speak. "Them! It's th-them!"

"I know! But it's okay!" He says. "They're good, trust me!" his voice softens. "Trust me."

I stop trying to fight. He grabs me in his arms and holds me, not letting go.

"I know this is a lot to take in." he says. I can't stop crying enough to respond.

The last thought I have before I fall asleep again, 'If I'm not in the arena,'

'Then where am I?'

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