Chapter 4: A Little House

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Chapter 4:

"Miya!!" I scream. "Mi--"

I'm cut off my the hand that's over my mouth. I try to shake his hand off, but it only makes my headache worse.

"Mmmm!!" I scream, muffled by the hand.

"Shut up."

It's a guy. The voice is low, but not to much.

He sits up, still on me. Knife still in his hand, ready to come down on me at anytime.

"Listen to me." He says. I nod.

"I will get off of you if you listen to what I ask you, okay?"

I want to make a run for it, but he's fast I know that, and if he can throw a knife, I'm done.

I nod.

"Good, now don't scream."

I nod again.

He slowly takes his hand off of my mouth. He looks to his left then to his right. He slowly gets off of me.

"Get up," He says. "Follow me."

I just sit there and look at him. He's tall, but not towering over me. He's wearing black, which is probably why I couldn't tell what he looked like, but now that he's in the light I can see. His eyes are brown, and so is his hair. He's muscular, you can see them through his shirt.

"I said, get up." He looks over and then back at me. "I don't have all day."

I slowly get up, arms stinging, head throbbing. I walk over to him. He starts walking back down the path, towards where I first heard him. I follow.

When we reach the end of the path he keeps going off to his left a little bit. We walk through the forest, I try to stay close to him. I don't want to get lost again.

After waking for almost 10 minutes, I trip and fall over something. I roll a few times before I come to a stop, my leg aching.

He comes over to me.

"What just happened?" he says, annoyed.

"I tripped and fell." I say.

"I can see that, be more careful next time."

He looks back and then at me again.

"Get up, we gotta go."

I try to get up, but once I stand on my right leg, it hurts so bad I sit right back down, holding it.

"Are you coming?" he asks.

"I can't," I respond. "My knee, I can't walk on it."

He sighs and then comes over to me and picks me up like I weigh as much as a feather.

"Where are we going?" I ask.

"You'll see." He says.

"Who are you?" I ask him.

"Why do you care?" he responds.

"I don't know, I'm just wondering."

He doesn't say anything.

"Can you at least tell me your name?"

"Talon." He says. He pauses. "What's yours?"

"My name?" I say.



"Pretty," He says.

"Thanks." I say.

We walk, well he walks and carries me, to a clearing. It's a small clearing with some wildflowers. We turn right and walk down another path.

Judging by where the moon is, it's about 9:00. My mother is probably worried sick. I hope my sister has the idea to cover for me.

We get to another clearing. It's larger than the last one and has a small pond, with clear, blue water. It looks so pretty with the moonlight shining on it.

He carries me a little further to the edge of the clearing. He walks a little bit into the forest and stops in front of a small shelter. It looks like a house, except it's only big enough for one room, maybe two.

He walks inside the house, I can't see very much because it's so dark. he sets me down in a chair and then walks outside.

He comes back in a minute later with wood. He walks over to the wall and puts the wood down. He stands up and grabs something from a shelf on the wall. He starts to put the wood inside something in the wall I can't make out. He then takes the object he got from the shelf and holds by the fire. I hear a couple clicks and then I see light. The wood then catches fire and it lights up the room. It was a lighter he grabbed and started a fire.

I realize how cold I am now. I try to move closer to the fire but it's impossible for me to walk on my leg without it in pain.

He sees me struggle and comes over and moves me on a couch in front of the fire. It's so warm, and the couch is so soft and comfortable.

He walks around the small house and I hear the click of the lighter a couple times and after I see more light. I turn around and see him lighting candles.

He looks over to me.

"Sorry," He says. "It's a little hard to get electricity out this far away from town."

"It's okay." I say. I pause and think. "Are we still in district 12?"

He comes over and sits down in a chair by me.

"Technically, no." He says. "But you could say that we are in district 12."

"Where are we then?"

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