Chapter 14

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Time after time, late again here is the update. Enjoy. Let me know what you think. Check out the picture as well. Thanks for all the support. I love you guys! <3 

I really wonder where our lives are going to take us today. In what adventure, with who and why? But I especially wonder, if I’ll have to save Arthur’s big fat royal backside.

Oh who am I kidding? Of course I’ll have to save it. I always save it. Every hour of every bloody day. Good Lord, he can’t even get dressed by himself.

I get out of bed on this beautiful, sunny morning, early morning and I go down to the kitchen to see if Greta has finished the King’s breakfast. Man, that woman is so annoying.  She won’t let me steal anything; she thinks she’s the queen of that chamber. Anyway I go towards there; I get the food and climb the stairs to his room.

On the way I greet my favorite and foolish knight, Gwaine and he says that I better hurry ‘because Arthur has planned a trip to God knows where.

-         Good morning, sire! How are you this morning? I asked serving his breakfast in bed.

-         I am excited Merlin! He said

-          What’s that all about? I asked. Gwaine said something about a trip? I asked again intrigued.

-         Well it’s a sunny and beautiful day and I want to enjoy it. He said

-         Okay. I am going to prepare the horses and something to eat. You should tell me how long we will be gone, because I –

-         Oh, no, Merlin. No. No. You- he said pointing at me. You are not coming with me.

-         What? That can’t happen! I can’t let you go alone! I basically almost screamed

-         Merlin!! What is wrong with you? He asked laughing.

-         I am your man servant sire, I must-

-         Nonsense. Take a day off, help Gaius with herbs or whatever. Or you can go to the tavern.

-         Me? At the tavern? Are you ill, Arthur? You are telling me to go to the tavern? I must go fetch Ga-

-         Merlin. Please. For once do as I say and go, leave me.

-         You-I- you aren’t dressed.

-         I can do it myself, I am a grown man. Now go.

Ok. This can’t be good. Whatever he has planned, it can’t be good. He never lets me have a day off, let alone lets me go to the tavern.

-         What is the trouble? Asked Gaius.

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