Chapter 12

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Hey guys. I don't know if you are still interested but I managed to post this damn chapter. Let me know what you think. P.S. Dark times are coming.

Olivia's POV

I am in a dark room and all i know it's that I am feeling a blunt pain in the back of my head.

- Where are you? I ask. Who are you? Why are you doing this?
- I am hurt that you don't know who I am.
- What? How can this be possible? You are dead! I screamed realising who it was.
- I was. Well I am. It's really complicated, sweetie.
- Show your self you coward bastard. I yelled crying.
- Come on, Livy.
- I am going to ... he stopped me with a spell.
- It's not that easy. You really don't know me. You just know what your daddy told you.
- Julius...
- Your father stole my dragon egg, tricked me and let me to die!!! He screamed so hard that the walls shake.

Joel's POV

-Who? Who can put my daughter into so much danger? And why? Where is she?
- Joel, you need to calm down. Please. said Molly trying to comfort me.
- I will calm down when I'll find my daughter. I said and broke a vase in the process. My magic got a bit out of control.
- Joel?! Where is she? Um what can I do to help? I saw Enzo coming with Arthur.
- Arthur, take him out of here. I need to find this damn door. Jessica, will you help?
- Of  course.

Julius Bowen's POV

- Listen to me little girl. Merlin was just a fullish boy, who allowed that dragon to be free. He was supposed to be mine!
- How did you find us? It's been 6oo years. she said
- I had help. Someone brought me back so I can get my revenge on Merlin.
- What do you want from me? Just tell me!!! What can I do to make this stop?
- Haha. You won't be able to stop me!
- Oh really? Phesmatos... En-Enz-Enzo?
- You won't hurt me as long as I have your precious human.
- How? Don't hurt him. Hurt me.

Jessica's POV

- Jess, are you ok? What is happening? Where are they? Where did Joel go?
- I am not sure. But we can't go in there. It's too dangeorous. I can feel it. I am scared.
- Are you ok? he asked kissing my forhead.
- I am. Arthur? What happened?
- It's Enzo! He fainted. I-I.
-Go, check on him. Molly is here. I need to stay here.
- We'll be fine. Please take care of my brother. cried Molly.
- What's happening? she asked
- I am not sure. I can't use magic to find out. All I know it's that there is some serious dark magic comeing from there.
- Omg. Are they going to be ok?
- Joel will save her. He always saves everyone. He always saved me. He's amazing. I heard Arthur talking behind us.
- How is Enzo?
- I am no expert but he's going to be fine. said Arthur
- Liam can we talk for a second? I asked
-Sure. What's up?
- We need to tell him. Come on. Please. He needs to know. I said taking his hand into mine
- I've said this a milion times. I won't go see that man, I won't call him. I don't want him in my life. He replied
-No, stop it. He's your father after all. And I don't care that he was always by your - um brother- he deserves to know he's going to be a grandfather.
-Jessica! I said no. I don't want him in my life, let alone in our childs life. End of story. Our friends are in danger so we have to worry about that. I won't talk about that person again! He said loudly and walked away.

Olivia's POV

- Enzo? I am so sorry. For this.

Julius crossed a very important line when he hurt Enzo. I really care about him and I don't want him to get hurt. Wow. I never believed that I would aknowledge my feelings for him.
Many things can fuel a witchs powers and anger and love toghether are the best.

- Julius! You will regret the day you came back to life. I will destroy you. I yelled and pushed him with magic all across this room.

Of course he retalieted. This bastard!

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