Bridal Dress Fitting

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Bridal Dress Fitting

Chapter 38

Ariana's POV

 Today's the first official day of wedding preparations. Niall is going with me to dress fittings today along with my bridemaids who also have to have dress fittings. My other bridesmaids are Iggy Azalea, my childhood friend Jaime, and Frankie's friend Clarissa, who hates Niall with a passion. Apparently Niall led her on even though I know he didn't. She had a massive crush on him, but he never liked her in that way. He wanted to stay friends with her, but instead she kicked him in.... well for  the lack of a better term, balls. 

 "Niall, everyone is so excited to meet you, but I have to warn you about something." Niall raises an eyebrow. "What do you have to warn me about?" I sigh. "Clarissa is one of my bridemaids." Immediately he goes bug eyed. "Ariana, you know she hates my guts. Why would you pick her to be one of your bridemaids?" "I didn't really want to, but my mom practically forced me to. She's one of Frankie's closest friends." In that moment, they all enter. They greet me with big hugs and even shake hands with Niall, well except Clarissa who gives him a look of disgust.

 I look over to Niall who is trying to hold in a laugh. "It's lovely to see you too Clarissa. Good to see that your charm hasn't gone away." She swats him with her purse and goes over to Jaime to chat with her. Jaime and Clarissa get along pretty well, though they're ignoring Iggy. I don't think they're ignoring Iggy on purpose, it's just that they don't really know her.

 Several dresses later...

  I've literally tried on twenty dresses, but I think I finally found the perfect one for me. It's cream colored with a V neck and flowers all over it. Also, in the back, it has a black bow. Wanting a guy's opinion, I step out of the dressing room to ask Niall. "Niall can you tell what you think of this dress?" Niall eyes drift up and down my body. "You look beautiful Ariana. That dress is perfect for you." I smile. "Thank you. I think so too." 

  The rest of the day goes by quickly after that. The bridemaids have settled on matching long flowy purple dresses with pink bows. It's already suppertime by the time we leave the bridal shop. The bridesmaids say goodbye to me and make their way home leaving Niall and I alone. "I don't know about you Ariana, but I'm starving. Want to grab supper before I drop you off at home?" I nod and we head to Panera Beard. 

  20 minutes later...

  Niall and I are digging into our food. Niall got chili, chips, and a latte while I got pesto pasta, bread, and a berry smoothie. Man I've missed their food. I don't remember the last time I've been to Panera Bread, which is pretty sad. This is a great ending to a great day. 

Hoped that you guys liked this chapter. :) -Mary

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