Ten ♥ We Love x_pogboy

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"You look absolutely-" "-Amazing. I know." "NO! How are you just not embarrassed by yourself?", you pinch the bridge of your nose as you watch Tommy put on his 'diamond armour'. Ranboo points the camera to your brother, capturing every single moment. Tommy looks at his tall friend as he struggles to put his diamond leggings on. "I'm not gonna put that in the video. Just so you know." Ranboo shrugs and keeps on recording. "Your loss. This is gonna get you views."

"I'm back", Jade emerges from the public bathroom and you turn around. "Oh-", she makes a weird face as she looks at Tommy. "Is he gonna put that on?" You and Tubbo give her a disappointed nod. "Oh my god", Jade bursts out laughing. Some people passing by look at your brother, turning their face away again quickly. One young teenage boy stops in his tracks and keeps staring at you and your friends. It looks like he wants to say something, but he just keeps on staring. You shoot him a friendly smile. "Do you want a picture?", you say. The boy becomes a bit red but nods quickly. "Yes, please!"

You look at your brother, now fully dressed in his armour. "Tommy-" "It's x_pogboy for you!", he interrupts, but then he notices the boy. "Oh. I mean- Hello! Let's take a picture!" The boy chuckles a bit as he stands next to Tommy. "You want me to take the picture?", you ask, but the boy shakes his head. "Uh, I actually want you on the picture as well. And Ranboo. And Tubbo", he looks at Jade, "I... Uhm, who are you?" Jade bites her lip and coughs awkwardly. "Oh. You don't know me. I will take the picture!" The boy hands Jade his phone and you pose next to him, Ranboo, Tommy and Tubbo on his other side. Jade takes the picture and hands the boy his phone back. Then he looks at you. "You really do look like Tommy", he says before walking away quickly. 

"Didn't know that", you mumble softly. Jade chuckles and Tommy gives you a nudge. "He wanted a selfie with you! That's cool, right? Right?" You laugh and nod. "I guess so. It is pretty weird, though." You watch the boy walk to an adult, which you assume is his mother, and he shows his phone to her. You smile for a brief moment before turning to your brother. "Are you gonna start or what?" Tommy nods and gestures at Ranboo and the camera. "You can record", he says. Ranboo snorts. "I already was."

You, Jade and Tubbo stay in the background as you watch your twin record his video. How is he just not scared to go up to people? You are incredibly socially awkward, and your brother is just... awkward but social. You follow Tommy to a small playground where a group of young teenagers are chilling. You leave your brother with the crowd of teens and sit down on a swing, Jade next to you. "I'm curious about how the video is gonna turn out", she says. You look at Tommy and Ranboo in the distance, surrounded by people. "Me too. Probably super weird." You both burst out laughing and continue to look at your brother.

After a while, Ranboo and Tommy return and join you again. Tommy pushes you off the swing and sits down quickly. "What the fuck?!", you try to push Tommy off again, but his hands have a firm grip on the swing. Your twin looks at you with puppy eyes. "Can you push me?", he asks. You scoff. "Off the swing? Yes, please!" When he realizes that you won't push him, he looks at Ranboo. "Ranboo? You're my friend, right?" One eyebrow rises above Ranboo's sunglasses and he shakes his head. "Nope. Not today." He turns his head to look at Tubbo, but he's already gone. "I guess that means we continue!", Tommy says.

When you're walking down the beach, Tommy walks up next to you. "Tess?" "Yeah?" "Do you want to be in the video as well?" You look at him, uncertain what to say. It would be kinda cool to be in your twin's 10 million special. But there are probably some people that don't even know you yet. "Okay, sure!", you finally say. Tommy sighs relieved, a small sparkle in his eyes. "Okay. Just stand there and pretend like you don't know me." He forces you to a wall and you just stand there awkwardly while Tommy reaches his microphone out.

"Hello", your brother simply says. You stare him deeply into his blue eyes. "Hello", you answer. Tommy stares back, probably seeing the exact same blue eye colour. "Do you play Minecraft?" You squint your eyes at him. "Is this is a trick question?" You see Tommy trying his best to suppress a laugh. You're almost laughing yourself, looking at his stupid Minecraft costume. But you manage to keep a straight face. 

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