Seventeen ♥ Blueberries

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7:21 AM

That's early. You close your eyes and try to sleep again, but you can't.

7:24 AM

You try to be as quiet as possible as you slowly look around your room. Niki is sleeping. Jack is sleeping. Ranboo is sleeping. Wilbur is... sleeping.

7:29 AM

You're thinking about what Will said to you yesterday night. You hope it's gonna turn out okay. You are absolutely sure that Will is not mad at Jade, well, maybe for not telling her that she's your girlfriend. You can't worry, there's nothing you can do about it anymore.

7:33 AM

Fuck it, you're getting out of bed. Everyone is still sleeping, and you haven't heard anything from the other rooms. Slowly but surely, you push the blanket away and squint your eyes at every noise you hear from it. It's still a bit cold, since the sun hasn't been up for so long. You put on your Dream hoodie, sneaking to the window. You move the curtain with an inch, the sudden light blinding your eyes. You quickly pull it back, welcoming back the dark. You turn over your shoulder and still, everyone is sleeping peacefully.

7:37 AM

You creep past Niki's bed. One lock of blond hair comes from underneath her blanket, the rest of her body hiding under it. You walk past Ranboo's bed. His sunglasses and mask lie peacefully on the nightstand next to him. You startle as your friend makes an unexpected sound. You stand completely still, feeling like someone in Squid Game during Red Light Green Light. Twenty seconds of silence pass before you're sure enough that you haven't woken up any of your friends. You slowly open the door, a nice reassurance when the door doesn't squeak or creak.

7:39 AM

Mission accomplished. You have closed the door behind you and quietly walk down the stairs. There were no curtains closed here yesterday, causing you to shield your eyes against the sunlight. You pull your hoodie over your head and walk to the kitchen. You open the fridge. Close it again. Of course, you have no food. You haven't been able to go to a supermarket just yet, and now you have no breakfast. How can you survive the day now? "TESS!"

You shriek as you turn around. You place your hand on your heart as you sigh. "Toby! Are you serious?" Tubbo laughs as he walks towards you, still in his pyjamas. "Sorry. Guess you were awake too?" You nod and Tubbo leans in for a high-five. You yawn as you slowly high-five him, pointing towards the fridge with your other hand. "We have no food." Your friend's face abruptly changes. "That's not possible." "It is. You can look yourself. Nothing."

Tubbo makes a crying sound and you rub your eyes. "We can go to the store together!", you say, hoping that Toby likes your plan. To your surprise, he nods enthusiastically. "Yeah! And then we can make breakfast for everyone and they would all like us, of course! Wait, I'll get my clothes on!" "Make sure you stay quie-" You can't even warn Tubbo and he's already upstairs. You quickly grab your credit card and put your hair up in a messy bun.

While putting on your sneakers, Tubbo is already downstairs again. You look at him and start laughing. He is wearing the exact same Dream hoodie as you. "Now we're twins!", he says happily. You stand up and open the front door. "Don't let Tommy hear it!"


"Buenos días!", an old stranger waves to you as you enter his shop. Tubbo follows close behind, carrying three big bags. You decided to get some more food than only breakfast, because you know how much Tommy eats. Sometimes you wonder how he stays skinny like that, while you have to eat fruit and veggies all day. "Hola!", you say back, already scanning the store. It's still empty this early in the morning, but you're glad you've found a store. This one was the only one opened.

Tommy's Twin ~ TommyInnit & ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now