Twenty-two ♥ Perfume

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"I don't know if I should do this...", you are face-timing Jade and she looks at you with wistful eyes. "Pretty please? We are desperately looking for a singer!" "But I can't sing! I play the guitar... or ukelele! I can do that! Just don't make me sing!" This is the third time your girlfriend is begging you to join her band. She can play the drums as good as her brother can sing. "But stage night is in three weeks already! We want to join so bad, come on Tess!"

"Why don't you just ask Will?", you groan, launching yourself on your bed. Jade starts laughing. "You know he's not allowed in our college anymore?", she says, bringing up that one bad memory. "Yeah, let's not talk about that", you say, noticing a knock on your door. "No!", you yell, but the door opens anyway. "I clearly said no", you say to Tommy, who looks at you with a wide grin. "Don't care. Did I hear something about the open stage night?"

"Tomathy! My favourite Simons sibling!", you cover your ears as Jade yells through the phone. "Jade!!", Tommy steals your phone as he yells back at your girlfriend with a high pitched voice. "Come on, Jade?! How can you choose my brother over me?", you make a frustrated noise as you cross your arms. Tommy and Jade have been getting along very well lately. They even played Minecraft. Without you (insert sad smiley). Can't deny that you're an itty bit jealous. But that's not that bad, right?

"So", Tommy carelessly sits down on your chair, spinning around as he looks at Jade. "Do you guys already have a singer? I have already offered myself a million times." You start coughing as you snatch your phone back. "Yeah. And Jade has said no a billion times." Your twin looks at you with those bright blue eyes that annoy you so much. "I know she has asked you", he says, "Why don't you just say yes? How many subscribers does your channel have now?" You awkwardly look away. "130K."

The silver play button has a nice and tidied up space on your cabinet, and you're pretty proud of it. Tommy has already teased you one time by replacing it with his diamond play button, but you didn't think it was funny and hid it somewhere in your parents' room. He was stressed for days until your mom complained about something shiny between her clothes.

"But singing on Youtube is different than singing live! I can just upload the things that I like and get rid of the bad videos..." You expect another argument from Jade or Tommy, but they stay silent. "Well, I guess we'll have to skip this year's stage night, then", Jade sighs, and you can see the disappointment in her eyes. Tommy raises his eyebrows at you and gives his 'you're a pussy' look. "Okay, okay", you groan, "I'll do it."


"I am so sorry! Am I late?!", you pant heavily as you throw your bag onto the floor of Jade's studio. It was first Wilbur's studio before he left the house. "Yes. Yes, you are", Jade chuckles as she puts down some drinks on the table. "Since when, though? Tess Simons is never late!", you roll your eyes at Alice, the guitarist of the group. She already has her majestic electric guitar on her lap. Jonah, the pianist, grabs your bag and searches for the snacks you've brought with you. "Okay girl, we forgive you now!", he gets all the cookies and crisps out before handing them to the three girls around him.

"We can finally star-" "TESS!" The studio door swings open and a tall man you know all too well steps in. In the corner of your eye, Jade buries her head in her hands. "Will, why do you always visit at the worst time?", she says, and you notice a small smile at the corner of her lips. Wilbur looks around the studio with one raised eyebrow. "I think I visited at the perfect time. You got Tess to sing for you?" Jade laughs at you. "Yup! With the help of Tommy."

"So...", Wilbur just sits in the corner and rubs his hands. "Which song is it gonna be?" Jade bites her lip and looks at you, Alice and Jonah. Jonah shakes his head, making a disappointed face. "I offered Shape of You from Ed Sheeran, but they didn't want to", he points at Jade and Alice, then turns to you, "Tess?-" "-No. I'm sorry." Alice laughs sheepishly as she fiddles with her fingers. "I thought... You know, maybe we could do something from Lovejoy!"

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