A/N Pt.2

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Hello everyone again! This fanfic is a rework of my past SD fanfics!

Also note that this fanfic is heavily inspired by the 'magical girl genre'. If you aren't familiar with that, I shall teach you the basic elements of it so you (hopefully) don't cringe lol

-Transformation devices. Magical girl shows commonly include a sparkly device that the characters use to transform. These can range from perfumes to pacts (my personal favorite) to phones to mirrors and even wands. Western shows such as Miraculous Ladybug and LoliRock tend to stick with just individual jewelry (although Lolirock uses extra pretty and ornate jewelry) while anime like PreCure likes to make most if not all characters use the same device to transform, individualizing them with a sparkly item which is next-

-Collectible items. Magical girl shows like to use a "Gotta catch em' all" mechanic where there's many magical items they must collect and use. These can range from keys to charms to rings to cards and many more. These collectible items can be used to transform when inserted into the device above, perform attacks, or just sell merchandise lol

-Outfits. Magical girl outfits tend to not prioritize practicality, instead going for frilly and cute outfits. Miraculous Ladybug doesn't really do this, going for superhero outfits instead. Despite wearing poofy dresses and sparkly skirts they'll be able to do cartwheels and spin kicks and punch people in the face somehow lol

-Phrases. Oftentimes there will be a transformation phrase that must be said in order to transform along with the device and item, if there is one. Western magical girl shows tend to individualize these, for example, for Marinette from Miraculous to transform into the superheroine Ladybug, she must say "Tikki, spots on!" (Spots off to detransform) while for Adrien to transform into Cat Noir he must say "Plagg, claws out! (Claws in to detransform) btw those other names are the magical creatures Kwami but anyway- eastern magical girl shows, from what I've seen, tend to have most if not all of the characters transform using the same phrase. For example, all the cures in Hugtto! PreCure say "Heart Kiratto!" In order to transform.

There's more lol. Phrases are also used AFTER a character transforms (well more often in anime and other eastern shows). You know how Sailor Moon says "In the name of the moon, I shall punish you!" Well that's the most well known example. Magical girls will often have a phrase they yell out after transforming to introduce themselves. When they transform as a group, they may also have a phrase they yell to introduce themselves as a team. Yeah being a magical girl requires memorizing a lot of things lol

And yes that's it with the magical girl stuff but there's MORE-

What brought me back into Star Darlings was when someone commented on a YouTube video that the SDs represented the 12 Zodiac Signs. Back then I knew nothing about astrology, so my curiosity was ignited. After hyperfixating on becoming obsessed with the subject I was honestly surprised when looking on Wattpad that no one thought that this would make a good fanfic concept???

People weren't even making theories that the zodiacs existed in Starland in some crazy form or something lol why. Then again the fandom is pretty small but still lol.

So I thought this would be a good opportunity to take my newfound obsession with astrology and already existing obsession with astronomy and run with it.

Plus I'm also interested in constellations, but I feel like the only constellations most people know exist are Orion, yeah definitely Orion, Ursa Major, maybe Ursa Minor and Andromeda, and then sort of the 12 zodiacs. So this fanfic will be a nice opportunity to teach you all some more constellations if you didn't know already!

And to clear it up-

No, Cancer the zodiac sign ain't named after Cancer the disease lol

The Latin word for crab just *happens* to be Cancer

I always felt bad for Cancers cuz imagine not knowing your zodiac sign and asking someone who does know what your sign is, and they say "You have cancer". The pain.

(I'm a Gemini btw-)

Also there's not one, but two constellations named Corona. Corona Australis and Corona Borealis.

If it weren't for 2020 there'd be no problem but lol I'd like to inform you if you didn't already know that Corona is the Latin word for crown.

And a small thing about the title. The original title had the "Startresses" part replaced by "Heroines". Reason? I thought heroines was a bit idk basic? But I couldn't think of a better word so I made up my own lol. I notice many words referring to females (Songstress, Seamstress, Empress,) tend to end with a 'stress'/'ress' thing. So I put the word Star before that and got the pretty word 'Starstress'. The masculine/gender neutral term is 'Starancer'.

And yes that's the end of this A/N the actual story is next! I know it might sound cutesy and sweet but nah the stuff that happens in the first 4 chapters-

Star☆Darlings: Zodiac StarstressesWhere stories live. Discover now