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𝐍𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓𝐓𝐈𝐌𝐄 𝐅𝐄𝐋𝐋 𝐀𝐓 Starling Academy as the Star Darlings got ready for the night in their dorms.

"Our parents aren't back yet," Libby remarked, as fear struck her face, "What if they're in trouble?"

"They can't be in trouble, they've probably done a lot of stuff like this before as Zodiac Starancers." Vega replied. "They're fine."

"But maybe something happened to them, like with Sage's dad! Rancora isn't around anymore but I heavily doubt the people on that isle are friendly!" Gemma yelled.

"What are you suggesting?" Piper asked, a curious look on her face.

"I'm suggesting that we go to the Isle of Misera and save our parents!" Gemma shouted.

Cassie joined in, "They explicitly told us not to follow them, and Astra's dad Asher is right about the Isle of Misera being severely dangerous!"

"Plus, we only have two cosmic crystals, the Ara and Ursa Major ones." Clover went on, "While the Ara crystal is incredibly helpful and the Ursa Major one also powerful, I don't think they'd be much use to save our parents."

"So? We'll just find more Cosmic Crystals, problem solved." Astra folded her arms.

"May I remind you Cosmic Crystals are gifted by the cosmos and constellations?" Vega added, "The Ara one was from Lady Stella and Ursa Major was just nice, where are we gonna find a constellation to gift us one? At like 8PM!"

Piper thought for a moment, "I saw a chariot in my dream last night!"

"And?" Gemma asked, waiting for an explanation.

"You know, the chariot, the constellation Auriga!" Piper clarified, "Maybe it's a sign!"

"Your dreams are pretty prophetic..." Vega considered, "Fine, let's go outside and search, and if we do find a Cosmic Crystal, the Isle of Misera we go!"


The Star Darlings were outside, trying not to get caught by any of the Bot-Bots doing security watch.

"Did you see anything else in your dream Piper?" Sage asked.

"Hmm, actually not much, just the chariot." Piper replied, "It was pink if that helps."

"A pink chariot sounds super celestial!" Libby remarked.

Tessa looked around and frowned, "I don't see anything,"

"Same." Scarlet added, "Although the constellations look extra sparkly tonight."

"Yeah they really do!" Leona chimed in, pointing to a constellation, "Especially that one!"

"That constellation looks oddly familiar," Gemma squinted at it.

"It's Auriga, the charioteer!" Piper pointed to the constellation.

"Great, we've found it." Scarlet scoffed, "Now are we supposed to get a crystal?"

They waited a bit. Nothing happened, and the constellation stayed the same way.

"Aww," Gemma whimpered, "Come on cosmos! Gift us something!"

"I think we need to wait a little longer." Clover sighed, holding a bag of jelly joobles. "I brought snacks if anyone wants some!"

The SDs all took a little snack and ate as they waited and waited for something. They didn't really know what. Probably a miracle. Yeah they were waiting for a miracle to happen.

A whole hour had passed and the cosmos refused to give them a break.

"You know what? I'm going back inside to get some sleep. Bye." Leona started to head back in as Adora, Cassie, and Scarlet followed.

They stopped heading back in though when a beam of shimmering fuchsia energy and sparkles blasted from the cosmos onto the ground.

"The cosmos really likes to play games with us, doesn't it?" Astra snarked, recalling the use of the Ara Cosmic Crystal.

The security Bot-Bots (who somehow haven't caught the SDs yet) turned their robotic eyes to see the blast from space.

The blast ended, and in the place of the blast was a young woman with long, fuchsia hair and a pink and gold chariot. Her dress was light blue covered with ornate and lovely patterns.

"Star apologies for the delay!" The woman went as she got out of her chariot, "I'm Auriga, it looks like you guys need some help don't you?"

"Indeed! We need to get to the Isle of Misera to help our parents!" Sage replied.

Auriga grinned, "Well I know it may not seem too special but-" she held out a fuchsia circular crystal with the Auriga constellation on it in her palms. "I gift you this, the power of transportation!"

"Star salutations!" Piper took the crystal and bowed. "It's heavily appreciated!"

"You're welcome, I need to get going now!" Auriga got back in her chariot and swiftly left in a shower of fuchsia stardust.

"Ok, now we can go to the Isle of Misera to see what is going on with our parents!" Sage announced as she got out her Starlight Pact and her Cosmic Crystal with the others.

Scarlet cringed as they all chanted, "ZODIAC! STARLIGHT CONNECTION!" and transformed.

"Now let's see what this crystal can do!" Piper inserted the Auriga Cosmic Crystal into her pact as the constellation appeared in the mirror, "Auriga, I call upon your power!"

"I bet we have to wait like 5 minutes before it actually does anything-" Adora scoffed as a sparkly and large fuchsia chariot with beautiful galliops (or horses) immediately manifested in front of them. "ARE YOU KIDDING ME-"

"Come on inside!" Sage got in with the others as they all sat inside the chariot.

The galliops swiftly started to gallop and drove them to their destination at the speed of light.

Star☆Darlings: Zodiac StarstressesWhere stories live. Discover now