Read this a/n lol

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This fanfic hasn't been updated for awhile despite me having more chapters saved in docs and thus all I have to do to update this book is copy-paste lol

A bunch of months ago when I was working on the 2nd Arc, I decided that with the first few chapters I'd focus on the constellations more, just for more lore

And that may have been either the best thing I ever did in a fanfic or the worse thing I ever did in a fanfic. Why?

Welp it led to me lowkey forgetting about the SDs- the actual main characters- and focusing on the constellation OCs becuz I was honestly having way too much fun with them lol  

And I think there's a reason for this

Ever since in 5th grade I got into astronomy and astrology, I've been wanting to do something with the concept but I could never find something that worked until making SD fanfics, but then once I got more into developing the OCs based off constellations I used for my SD fanfic, I realized the solution has been found

Since at that point I was more interested in my constellation OCs rather than the actual fic, I decided to write a new story with just them in their own universe lol

Ever since I made that decision it's been my obsession for several months now and I've been focusing on that and making up lore with friend on Discord and lots of stuff I loved and this fanfic... yeah got ignored lol

I'll eventually copy-paste the chapters I had written in advance to finish the 1st Arc finally, but I'm not sure if this fic will go beyond that arc 

At this point, the constellations of the zodiacs and the SD's parents are entirely different incarnations. While there are a few remaining similarities, the zodiacs are now just based on my very own interpretation of their constellations instead of just being the SD's parent. The interpretation differences include design, personality and backstory

We're getting a tad off-topic, but one of the easiest things about doing characters based entirely off zodiacs is that at least 2 thirds of the work (personality, design and backstory) is already done for you lol. The constellations on zodiacs have a basis on design based on their symbol, since Libra has weighing scales making her Lady Justice (a common personification of justice, has a balance, sword and blindfold cuz justice is blind) was a no brainer, and Aries was the sheep so not giving her fleecy wool hair and ram horns would be wasting an opportunity. And actually, you could say the backstory is more or less done for you since each one has a myth tied to them

Personality is also not too hard to make, since the constellations of the zodiac belt double as zodiac signs which have a bunch of personality traits associated with them. There's also the opportunity to parody stereotypes about the signs, Scorpio is often shown as edgy so Scorpio is an edgelord, Taurus is said to be obsessed with cooking so she's a food networker and respected chef, etc. 

With the SDs parents, they weren't directly based off the zodiacs- the SDs were. So for them it was harder since the design was already done for me but not very much tied to any of the zodiacs (usually just older version of their kid), the personality I could mostly make up since they didn't have much appearances in canon, and same goes for backstory tho do they all have lives and jobs so I had to stick with that

The same logic applies to my OCs that personify constellations. 3 basic core parts of a character- personality, design, and backstory. The constellations (particularly the 48 ones listed by Ptolemy) all have some mythology tied to them. Andromeda getting sacrificed and tied up by chains cuz of her mom Cassiopeia, Orion getting killed by Scorpio for claiming he'd kill all animals, etc. then there's the ones that are literally Hercules, mythological figures with enough lore to fill an entire book. So if you base backstories on those myths, everything becomes easier lol

Like with how zodiac-constellations have symbols, constellations also have symbols. Ophiuchus is the snake bearer so not giving him snakes would be stupid, Ursa Major is the greater bear so just give her bear features lol. For constellations that are inanimate objects, like Lyra, making them someone who plays a lyre is easy

Personality is the one thing I could make up, with some inspirations from myths of course. And also of course design wasn't completely done for me- color scheme, hairstyle hair color eye color and all that was still for me to decide. 

Back to the original topic I'm hoping to post my original story with constellation ocs, Illustrata Astra, on here soon once I finish the first 2 chapters lol (and currently working on a chapter that's a backstory of a prominent ship, with child abuse and themes of depression/anxiety and more so that's a heads up but there's also fluff don't worry) 

Also if I can I wanna make a PJO x Constellations crossover with Greek gods lol

I'm not sure if I'll finish the 2nd arc, I honestly don't feel like continuing it. But thanks for reading this fic anyway!! Don't worry I'm still part of the SD fandom lol

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