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A/N: I really didn't know what to title this-

Another day started at Starling Academy, with the Star Darlings incredibly happy that their parents weren't dead and vice versa.

Unfortunately, Vivica and her posse wanted to ruin it.

They had finally, after lots of trial, error, and irritation, arrived at Starling Academy on a Star train.

"Finally we can commence our plan!" Vivica yelled with joy as she looked at the campus, "I'm still annoyed I got expelled from this place."

They got on campus, careful not to catch any attention from any students and faculty as they sneaked into the main building.

"Where do you think the Star Darlings would be?" Ralia asked.

Vivica thought for a moment, "Probably at the Celestial Cafe."

As they went to the Celestial Cafe, apparently Vivica was right. Which didn't happen often.

The SDs were cheerfully eating breakfast in the bustling cafeteria, full of Bot-Bots serving food to students.

"I'm hungry, there's no good food on the Isle of Misera." Breanna whimpered.

Vivica sighed, "Once we get this plan over with you can have all the food you want, ok?"

Breanna grinned as Ralia tried to come up with the next course of action.

"We're supposed to bribe them to give us Cosmic Crystals right?" Ralia recalled as the rest nodded, "Should we bribe them right now?"

"Why not?" Vivica shrugged.

Violetta uttered, "But there's students here? Won't they tell the faculty that something weird is going on?"

"Who cares?" Vivica snarked as she outright entered the room and shouted, "HEY! STAR DARLINGS! I HAVE FREE STUFF FOR YOU!" The students looked at her and her group confused as she held up the boxes of stolen fashions and accessories.

"FREE DESIGNER CLOTHING!" Leona and Adora yelled as their eyes lit up.

"Are you stupid?" Scarlet rolled her eyes, "This is the girl who tried to grant a bad wish, and her posse of mindless followers. She isn't here to make friends!"

The Star Darlings quieted down, staring at the group of dark starlings.

"Really? You don't want free stuff?" Aerabelle looked back at them surprised.

"I'd like some!" A student hollered as others followed, gathering around Vivica's group and snatching the stolen goods from them.

The crowd of students continued helping themselves to the items as nothing but a bunch of empty boxes were left.

"Care to tell us why you're here?" Tessa confronted them, folding her arms.

"We were gonna use all the stuff we stole-I mean bought to bribe you all into giving us a Cosmic Crystal." Violetta answered as everyone in her group face palmed, but she wasn't done spoiling the plan, "And use it to overpower you all."

"Wow, good job revealing my plan like that." Vivica snarked.

"It wasn't even a good plan in the first place." Ralia snapped back.

The SDs all rolled their eyes at the group, their plan failed before it could even actually be done.

"What do we do now?" Breanna asked Vivica.

Ralia scoffed, "See! This is why we should've had a plan B!"

"I lied, I do have a plan B!" Vivica announced, and then hastily blasted a bunch of negative wish energy out of her palms, "ATTACK!"

"I swear to Jupiter-" Ralia sighed irritated as the rest of them attacked the room, flooding it with negativity.

"This building better not fall apart." Vega remarked as students ran off screaming, leaving out the door to escape.

Their parents again said not to do anything as Zodiac Startresses for their safety, but the SDs couldn't help themselves. They all got out their Starlight Pacts and Cosmic Crystals to transform.

For once, Scarlet didn't cringe as they all recited the phrase "Zodiac! Starlight Connection!" and transformed. "Altogether, the 12 Zodiac Signs! Zodiac Startresses!"

The battle started as Vivica's posse and the SDs clashed, slashing repeated blasts of wish energy at the other.

"Floral Remedy!" Libby shouted as she blasted a burst of pink wish energy and flowers at Ralia and Breanna, the same time as Gemma yelled "Gem Blitz!" as orange energy and a bunch of crystals launched at them with impeccable speed.

Breanna and Ralia made a shield out of negative energy together, but the training that SDs underwent made them strong enough to completely puncture the force field.

"Ok I wasn't expecting them to be that strong-" Ralia remarked, caught by surprise.

"Can we quit now?" Breanna cheerfully asked with a smile on her face.

Vivica face palmed, "You guys are so pathetic."

Aerabelle and Violetta didn't even bother to continue fighting, as they huddled up with the rest.

"This seems like a good time to use a Cosmic Crystal," Vega went as she took out the Ursa Major Cosmic Crystal from the Stellar Livre. She inserted it into her pact, "Ursa Major, I call upon your power!"

Now either it would take 10 minutes or more for something to happen or it would happen instantly.

Luckily it was the second one. A burst of indigo wish energy pulsed throughout the room and pushed the posse of dark starlings right out the door.

"That was an easy battle." Piper remarked, as she inserted the Ara Cosmic Crystal into her pact, "Ara, I call upon your power!" As a shower of golden sparkles blazed throughout the room, fixing everything up from the negative energy.


"LADY STELLA!-" Professor Elara Ursa barged into the office.

"I know I know the Celestial Cafe got overflooded with negative energy but all the students were evacuated and the building is being cleaned up right now." Lady Stella rapidly answered, pretty annoyed at this point. "Star apologies, but I have a meeting to go to." She picked up her purse and left the room.

The 'meeting' was actually a meeting with the SDs, who had captured Vivica and her squad. The headmistress entered the Zodiac Dome, seeing all the girls and a tied up quintet of dark starlings.

"I really appreciate you dealing with what happened over there." Lady Stella sighed.

"No problem!" Gemma sipped some glorange juice, and then pointed to the girls tied up, "The culprits are here!"

Lady Stella glared at the tied up girls. Vivica, the girl she expelled for attempting to grant a bad wish. Breanna, Aerabelle, and Violetta, her trio of mean followers who got expelled for bullying shortly after, and a girl she didn't recognize, who was probably on the Isle of Misera before all that even happened.

"I must applaud you for somehow getting back here from that wasteland." The headmistress began, "But you have failed with whatever you've been planning, and no you'll not be allowed back in the academy ever. I don't want you to attempt to leave that isle again, so you'll be staying in some caverns until we find you somewhere else." She scolded.

Vivica's posse whined as they were escorted out by a few Bot-Bots outside.

Lady Stella took a look in her purse and then panicked, "It's gone!"

"What's gone?" Sage asked worriedly.

"My Celestial Mirror Pad! It's been stolen!" Lady Stella stressed.

"Maybe you just lost it or dropped it somewhere?" Clover suggested.

The headmistress calmed down, "It's fine, I didn't even use it much anyway. As long as the person who gets a hold of it doesn't have any Cosmic Crystals, everything will be fine!"

The SDs sighed with relief.

Star☆Darlings: Zodiac StarstressesWhere stories live. Discover now