8☆A New Constellation

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Back at Starling Academy, The Star Darlings had finally settled into their new lives as Zodiac Startresses. Or at least, training to be them, their parents still thought the idea of them facing evil head on was too dangerous to risk.

They were eating lunch at the Celestial Cafe, discussing everything going on.

"So Sage," Cassie started, taking bites of her druderwomp sandwich, "Is your dad back?"

Sage sighed, "No, I think he may be dead at this point."

Piper gasped, "Why?"

"I asked our parents several times, they said they're searching for him but they still haven't told me whether or not they've found him yet. Plus Rancora probably brought him to a negative energy infested prison or something." Sage started tearing up, "She might've killed him."

"I'm sure it's not like that!" Libby tried to make her feel better, "Maybe he's just in a coma, or maybe he survived and is out there hiding from Rancora, not knowing she's dead yet."

"Yeah, and if our parents don't save him, then we will!" Scarlet smiled determined.

"That's nice to hear from you Scarlet," Sage grinned, "Star Salutations!"

They finished eating and started to head to class as a burst of screams was heard outside.

"Is it me or are we having actual school way less now?" Gemma asked.

"Yep it definitely seems like it," Vega replied, "Should we let our parents deal with this?"

"Hmm," Astra thought for a moment, "Nah, let's show them we can handle being Zodiac Startresses!"

The SDs ran outside as fast as they could to figure out what was happening.

As expected, chaos was happening. But it was a really weird kind of chaos..

A bear was attacking on campus. A really large one at that. It's fur resembled the night sky and it's eyes were a striking green.

"A bear? Are you kidding me?" Adora stared at the animal in disbelief. "A BEAR?"

"I don't think that's any bear, I think that's Ursa Major!" Piper remarked, "The constellation Ursa Major!"

Students and staff were running from the creature as they headed to safety, while the Star Darlings were holding out their Starlight Pacts, ready to transform.

"Are you ready?-" Sage shouted with an excited smile on her face.

"This is so cringe I can't-" Scarlet whined while holding her pact and Cosmic Crystal.

"ZODIAC! STARLIGHT CONNECTION!" All twelve of them chanted in unison as they transformed. "Altogether, the 12 Zodiac Signs! Zodiac Startresses!"

Now that Lady Stella trained them, this was gonna be much easier.

As Ursa Major started to make its move, Adora got in position.

"Airy Ascension!" Adora yelled out as sky blue wish energy and wind swirled around the bear, holding it down.

The bear growled a few times.

"Careful!" Libby warned, "Don't hurt it! Just hold it and calm it down!"

"Alright!" Tessa replied, running toward Ursa Major to create a force field out of green wish energy surrounding it. "Clover! Vega! Help me with this!"

Clover and Vega listened, quickly helping Tessa with keeping the force field stable.

Ursa Major still hadn't calmed down and slashed a few times at the dome trying to break it, so the rest of the SDs went to help.

Suddenly, a burst of bright green wish energy blasted from the cosmos and onto the ground.

"The Taurus Startress has arrived!" Teresa, the mother of Tessa and Gemma, introduced herself as she ran toward the force field, and using only a little bit of wish energy, completely stabilized the force field.

The SDs went back a few steps as Teresa came toward Ursa Major.

"It's ok Ursa, your bear cub is alright!" Teresa held up a small bear, with the same night sky fur as Ursa Major, "The person who attempted to take it away will face justice, no need to attack the Academy!"

Finally Ursa Major stopped raging at the sight of her kid and indigo energy surrounded it. The force field dispersed, and instead of a bear was a golden skinned woman with shiny curly indigo hair.

"Star salutations! Apologies, I get a bit angry when my child is threatened," Ursa Major chuckled awkwardly as she took the bear cub. She then turned toward the Star Darlings, "Apologies about that, you must be the new Zodiac Startresses!"

Leona nodded, "Someone finally recognizes us!"

"Here, I gift you this-" Ursa Major gave them an indigo cosmic crystal, which had the Ursa Major constellation engraved on it. "The power of raw strength."

"Our second Cosmic Crystal!" Gemma took the crystal and admired it as her eyes lit up, "Star salutations!"

"You're very welcome! I'll be going now!" Ursa Major started leaving with her child in hand.

The SDs cheered as Teresa looked toward them, "Don't do that again."

"Do what?" Astra looked back confused.

"Fighting evil, we can't afford you all getting hurt, or worse killed." Teresa answered.

"Aww fine," Gemma pouted, "It was super celestial seeing you in action though mum!"

Teresa smiled, "I'm glad, also you should get back to school now! Do good in class Tessa and Gemma!" She left.

"Parents are always like that." Scarlet chuckled.

"Now let's fix the damage done-" Sage got out the Ara Cosmic Crystal and inserted it into her pact, "Ara, I call upon your power!" She chanted as golden sparkles showered down from the cosmos and proceeded to fix up the campus.


"Why is this taking so long?" Vivica complained as the rest of the them rowed the boat.

"YOU AREN'T EVEN HELPING-" Breanna shrieked.

The Isle of Misera was out of sight, but it didn't seem like they'd get to Starling Academy anytime soon. Actually, they just needed to get to a place like New Prism or Kaleidoscope City or even The Gloom Flats. As long as they weren't in a dumping ground or an ocean everything would be easy.

Aerabelle sighed. "There HAS to be a quicker and less tiring way to get there."

"Like what?" Ralia asked, "Fly?"

Breanna opened her mouth to sing. "I-"

"-WON'T SING THAT SONG!" Ralia snarked back.

Breanna pouted, "Humph."

Violetta thought for a long moment, "Maybe we can use negative energy!"

"To do what?" Aerabelle asked.

"Maybe if we work together, we can use negative wish energy to teleport us and this trashy boat with us!" Violetta answered.

"That's genius." Vivica gasped, then went on, "Glad I've thought of it!"

"YOU DID NOT-" Violetta yelled, "You know what I don't care at this point."

All 5 of them held hands and used negative energy to transport themselves somewhere else.

Star☆Darlings: Zodiac StarstressesWhere stories live. Discover now