7☆Crystal Shenanigans

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The SDs gathered around the demolished Radiant Recreation Center, which was still undergoing reconstruction.

"Don't you think the construction workers will look at us weirdly?" Cassie suggested.

"Eh, they'll probably think we're playing some mobile game on our Star-Zaps." Gemma replied.

"Alright," Sage held out her Starlight Pact and the Ara Cosmic Crystal, "Let's fix this building!" She opened the pact and inserted the crystal into the slot, as the Ara Constellation glowed in the mirror. "Ara, I call upon your power!"

They waited for a few moments, and nothing.

Scarlet scoffed, "We've been scammed."

And then suddenly a large burst of golden energy and sparkles came raining down from the cosmos. It was so bright and shiny even for something on Starland, and the workers were shocked too by the spectacle.

It stopped raining down, but continued to swirl around and around the broken building. The workers just stood there, wondering what was even happening as the sparkles finally finished and vanished, leaving a shiny, brand new, and frankly perfect Radiant Recreation Center sitting in the exact same area that a bunch of people almost died in and that one person did die in a few days ago.

"Oh my stars." Libby stared at the new building.

"So it doesn't just make a nice light show," Scarlet let out impressed, "Good to know."

The construction workers were so confused at the event.

"Did the heavens just do our job for us?" One of them asked.

"Looks like it," Another worker replied, "Hope we still get our paycheck."


In the Little Dipper Dorms, a gift box in pastel colors was left at one student's door by a Bot-Bot.

"What is it? I need to get back to class-" Ophelia rubbed her eyes tired as she came to pick up the gift box. She went inside her dorm and untied the cute ribbon that made a bow on it, then removed the top of the box. Inside was a note and a gem. She took out the note and read it.

Dear Ophelia,

I would've written this letter much earlier, (Star apologies work is draining) but I've noticed that school is getting difficult for you. Are you being bullied? Teased? I hope not! And if you are, please tell the faculty. Remember we and the universe are with you! Dad has left a small gift for you, it isn't much but he found it at work yesterday night, and it reminds him of you, our shining star!

XOXO, Odessa

Ophelia smiled, it was rare that something like this happened to her. She then took the glittery stone, which was a watermelon pink and had the ⛎ symbol on it. She closely examined it.

"I don't think I've ever seen this before," Ophelia carefully put it in her small bag she wore.


"Alright, here's the plan-'' Vivica started, talking to a mostly uninterested mob of grumpy dark starlings, "We get a Cosmic Crystal, preferably a powerful one, and abuse its power to slaughter all the Star Darlings and anyone who gets in my- I mean, our way. The end."

"That's it?" Violetta raised an eyebrow.

"Yes, that's it, what were you expecting an essay that's 487 pages long?" Vivica rolled her eyes.

"No but that seems pretty hastily thought out," Breanna added, "You sure that's gonna work?"

"I'm sure." Vivica replied, "Now how do we get to Starling Academy?"

Ralia shrugged, "This is an island, and I don't see a boat anywhere."

"Does anyone know how to swim?" Vivica asked.

"NOPE-" Aerabelle started, "NOPE I SWEAR TO JUPITER I CAN'T SWIM!"

"Fine, no swimming," Vivica scoffed, "I see some wooden planks, they may not be in the best condition but let's build a boat to get off this place."

"We have to build a boat? Come on-" Violetta whined.

"WOULD YOU ALL SHUT UP AND JUST START BUILDING-" Vivica started having a temper tantrum as people started gathering messed up wood and proceeded (read: attempted) to build a boat.

Surprisingly, their attempt was successful. After several and several hours a slightly misshapen boat was built.

"It's not too sturdy," One of the dark starlings trapped on the isle remarked.

"Doesn't matter, it'll have to do," Breanna wiped off sweat from her forehead.

Vivica gestured to the boat, which was a bit cracked apart and had a lot of gaps in the wood. "Really? THIS is the best you could do?"

"Girl shut your mouth you didn't even help us." Ralia snapped back.

"Ugh come on." Vivica signaled for Ralia, Breanna, Aerabelle, and Violetta to get on the boat along with her.

"Hey!" Another dark starling yelled, "What about us?"

"There's food on the table you'll be fine," Vivica quickly let out annoyed.

The guy looked disgusted, "ALL THE FOOD IS ROTTEN-"

"Not my problem." Vivica replied as Aerabelle and Violetta started rowing on the boat and left the Isle of Misera.

Well they only got half a mile away from it but they tried their best.

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