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A/N: You all are probably wondering what the parents are doing so I gift you this

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐊𝐘 𝐖𝐀𝐒 𝐀 murky gray as the parents of the Star Darlings landed on the island.

As if the name didn't make it obvious enough, the Isle of Misera looked miserable. It was a dumping ground for negative energy, so naturally it had to be a creepy haven. But not many starlings knew it also served as banishment for starlings who granted really bad wishes, or had a hand in granting them. Or just were irredeemable criminals.

Thus, a community formed on the isle. Well, not a tight-knit community. It wasn't nearly as friendly as the ones in Gleemington, Solar Springs, or Old Prism. More like a toxic community that ran on fear and cruelty.

"This place is even worse than I remembered." Logan snarked.

"Let's search for Leonard." Erica started, "We promised Indirra and her kids that we'd bring him back safe and sound."

Geo looked around, "Where would he be though? We know he's here on this island, but where on this island?"

Teresa took a look at the eerie houses that were scattered around the area, "Should we spread out?"

"That won't work out," Virginia replied, "If we separate and one of us gets taken away that'll just cause more havoc."

"You have a point." Asher thought for a moment, "We will go together then!"


On another corner of the island, a dark starling was holding someone hostage.

"For the last time! LET ME GO!" A man in lavender and violet demanded, tied up in a chair.

"Give me one good reason why I should let a 'good' starling go?" The old woman went, her clothes were blackened and ripped due to all the negative energy.

The man looked done at this point, "I've told you several times. I have a wife and 3 kids, I haven't seen them in DAYS. Rancora could've KILLED THEM by now."

The old woman scoffed, "I have a husband, but he went off with some teenagers to get 'freedom' or whatever." She continued. "Also news has it that Rancora died."

"Is this a joke?" The man asked.

"No, I have really heard it. Apparently she died in a collision at Starling Academy, the recreation center there fell apart. The students inside managed to escape but she couldn't." The old woman answered, then started to read an old book that was in poor condition.

"I think this is the place!" Someone from outside shouted.

"What was that? I didn't order any packages, I can't even order packages here!" The old woman bursted.

Suddenly a blast of red positive energy broke an opening in the room.

"Leonard! Finally we've found you!" Asher cheered as the rest came in.

"Took you long enough!" Leonard laughed, but then his face turned serious. "Are Indirra, Sage, Helio, and Archer alive?"

Claudette nodded happily as she untied him, "They are! They're perfectly ok!"

"Thank Jupiter I was so worried." Leonard sighed with relief.


"Not really, we came to rescue him!" Prudence answered.

"Well you should've stayed at cushy Starland or whatever," The old woman remarked, as a crowd of dark starlings surrounded the room from outside.

"What's your name?" Geo asked.

"Minerva." Minerva answered,

Adaline tilted her head, "Your name is Minnie?"

"It's Minerva." Minerva repeated.

"Marian?" Asher blurted out.

"I SAID MINERVA-" The old lady yelled out annoyed.

"I'm pretty sure you said 'Mushroom'." Teresa chimed in.

"Why is it so hard for people to remember me and my husband's names-" Minerva complained.

"Can we forget figuring out what her name is and focus ON THE FACT THAT WE'RE BEING SURROUNDED?" Andromedus yelled, gesturing to the gloomy citizens outside.

"Oh right I forgot completely about that-" Asher uttered.


Vivica's posse of dark starlings had arrived at a Star Train Center.

"Remember, we're heading to Starling Academy." Vivica got on a train with the rest of them as they carried all the stuff they borrowed (read: stole).

As the train speeded around to their destination, Ralia had a question.

"What was the plan again?" She asked. "I feel like we're just going all over the place now."

"I believe the plan was to get a cosmic crystal by bribing the SDs with all the stuff we thieved." Breanna answered.

Aerabelle added, "We use the power of the cosmic crystal to get rid of the SDs."

"Correct everyone!" Vivica smirked.

"Do we have a plan B?" Ralia questioned, "I feel like we need one."

"Trust me," Vivica started, "We don't need a backup plan, this plan will succeed."

"Doubt it but if you say so~" Aerabelle sang.


In the corner of a deep forest at Starling Academy, an old lady had finally woken up.

As she got up, she coughed several times. Whatever disaster happened had knocked her into a state of unconsciousness and far away from the scene. She looked around and spotted the Radiant Recreation Center, which surely shouldn't have survived all the chaos that took place. Yet somehow it did.

Did everything that happened, not happen? Did the Star Darlings gain the upper hand and defeat her, at least they thought?

Did everyone who was aware of her existence think she had died in the collision?

If so, they were in for a shocking revelation.

Star☆Darlings: Zodiac StarstressesWhere stories live. Discover now